Researchers find bottled water contains thousands of nanoplastics, posing health risks.

Nanoplastics, invisible to the naked eye, can infiltrate human cells, raising concerns.

Study unveils 10 to 100 times more plastic bits in bottled water than estimated.

Nanoplastics, smaller than microplastics, can migrate through tissues and organs.

New technology detects millions of nanoplastics, highlighting a pervasive issue.

Health experts urge consumers to opt for tap water in glass or stainless steel containers.

Nanoplastics, carriers of synthetic chemicals, alter intestinal microbiome and threaten human health 

Despite regulations, bottled water still contains nanoplastics, sparking health concerns.

Questions arise over the origin and effects of nanoplastics in bottled water.

Ongoing research seeks to uncover the full extent of nanoplastic contamination.