Transformative Vision: India's economy flourished over the last decade, ushering in hope and optimism for the future.

Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas: Overcoming challenges with inclusive policies and structural reforms under PM Modi's leadership.

Comprehensive Development: Doubling down on inclusive growth with Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, and Sabka Vishwas.

Resilience Amidst Challenges: Overcoming the pandemic through collective efforts and commitment to Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Inclusive Development: Targeting each household with essential services like housing, water, electricity, and financial inclusion.

Rural Empowerment:Eliminating food insecurities, increasing real incomes, and fostering rural growth through targeted support.

Pursuit of Social Justice: A holistic approach to development, aiming for an empowered and inclusive India by 2047.

Effective Governance:Social justice as a governance model, ensuring transparency, fairness, and equal opportunities for all.

Priority on Empowerment: Focusing on empowering the poor, women, youth, and farmers for holistic national progress.

Empowering the Poor: Shifting from entitlements to empowerment, lifting 25 crore people out of multidimensional poverty.

Direct Benefit Transfer: Utilizing PM-Jan Dhan accounts for efficient fund transfers, leading to substantial government savings.