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Ravi Tiku
Burns More Calories: Walking can burn more calories than jogging, aiding weight-loss efforts.
Reduces Body Fat: Efficient calorie burning through walking helps reduce body fat.
Boosts Calf Endurance: Regular walking strengthens and enhances the endurance of calf muscles.
Lowers Blood Pressure: Daily walking improves cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure.
Improves Bone Density: Walking, a weight-bearing exercise, positively impacts bone health and density.
Enhances Postural Muscle Endurance: Regular walking improves the endurance of postural muscles.
Low-Impact Exercise: Walking is a low-stress, accessible form of exercise suitable for beginners.
Cost-Effective: Requires only comfortable clothing and good walking shoes, no gym membership needed.
Social Benefits: Walking can be a social activity, enhancing mental well-being through social interactions.
Year-Round Activity: Can be done indoors on a treadmill, making it a sustainable habit regardless of weather conditions.