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Captivating Perseid Meteor Shower Lights Up the Night Sky!

One of best meteor showers of 2023 to captivate weekend stargazers: UPI.com

The annual Perseid meteor shower has illuminated skies worldwide, offering stargazers an opportunity to witness shooting stars. This natural phenomenon results from Earth encountering debris from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, leading to around 100 meteors per hour. As the debris enters Earth’s atmosphere, it ignites and produces the distinctive bright flashes known as shooting stars, visible without optical aids. This event typically occurs in July and August, peaking this year between Saturday night and Sunday morning.

In the UK, cloudy weather obstructed views for many observers, although some sightings were possible over specific regions. BBC weather forecaster Billy Payne indicated that despite imperfect conditions, spotting shooting stars remained feasible for many. Meteor sizes vary from grain-sized to pea-sized, entering the atmosphere at speeds of 134,000 mph without posing a threat to Earth. Notably, the Perseid meteor shower stands out among astronomical events due to its brightness and activity.

Nasa’s All Sky Fireball Network spotted the first Perseid meteor on July 26 this year. Named after the constellation Perseus, these meteors originate from that constellation. Observers worldwide, including Callum White, shared their experiences and captured stunning images of the event. As weather conditions improve, more individuals are likely to enjoy the spectacle in the coming days.

#PerseidMeteorShower #ShootingStars #Astronomy #Stargazing #CelestialSpectacle
