फूडी -A Poem by Mrs. Rachna Khushu.

   RACHNA KHUSHU दिनांक:01.08.2021 फूडी  चल चलें ना यार कुछ खा कर आयें पानी-पूरी, चाट, समोसा  या दाबेली पिज़ा – बर्गर, फ्रेंच टोस्ट खाने का मन नहीं है कुछ तीखा मसालेदार चटपटा हो जाये …

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“Business only with governments”.

P Chidambaram writes: The reaction of Mr Modi’s government to the Pegasus revelations stands in stark contrast to the reaction of a liberal democracy like France, a hard-wired democracy like Israel and a questionable …

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