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Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.

 Ravi Speaks:

[This article was written immediately after the lockdown last year in September and is being reproduced again.]


Anxiety Induced Metal Problems In Lockdown-II.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


It is normal to feel fearful and anxious during the forced stay in Lockdown-II. Much as we all were keen to come out at the earliest from the Lockdown, still, we had to spend quite some time in terms of a fortnight to month’s duration or depending upon the various relaxations given intermittently. During this forced stay inside our respective homes-there has been an increase observed in the anxiety-related problems all around the universe as has been reported by various agencies evaluating the after-effects of the COVID wave II.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


Young children may feel restless and stressed staying indoors and studying at home due to school closures. Creative play and physical activity can help relieve stress and maintain mental health.​

During COVID-19-Lockdown-there has been an increase in conditions leading to neurological and mental complications, such as delirium, agitation, and stroke. People with pre-existing mental, neurological, or substance use disorders are also more vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection ̶ they may stand a higher risk of severe outcomes.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


 Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


What is more disturbing is that the bereavement, isolation, loss of income, and fear are triggering mental health conditions or exacerbating existing ones. Because of such conditions-many people may face increased levels of alcohol and drug use, insomnia, and anxiety.
In extreme cases, people may suffer from depression characterized by low mood, tiredness, pessimism, poor sleep, and appetite, feeling helpless, guilty, and hopeless, with a gradual reduction in work output. Older people are more vulnerable, and special care must be taken for them.

Small kids might feel anxious and focused on remaining inside and learning at home because of school terminations. Innovative play and actual work can assist with diminishing pressure and keep up with emotional wellness.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


The major effect seems to be on the retired and the older section of the people. They have already had the feeling of loneliness and isolation -which seems to worsen their mental health even more. Therefore, regarding older people and also those with underlying health conditions, having been identified as more vulnerable to COVID-19, and to be told that you are very vulnerable, can be extremely frightening and very fear-inducing. The psychological impacts for these populations can include anxiety and feeling stressed or angry. Its impacts can be difficult for older people who may experience cognitive decline or dementia. And some older people may already be socially isolated and experiencing loneliness which can worsen mental health.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


Now that the time so far has been easing the lives a bit and the impact of the COVID seem to decrease at least in this northern belt of the country-people also coming out cautiously with the strict follow-up of the precautions to be taken-what is heartening to the sight of the pre-pandemic era seem to return fast.

Looking at this positive change coming, we must continue doing the rigorous exercises and Yoga which we had adopted as the new normal during the Lockdown as well. We must continue to take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Continue to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly. Get plenty of sleep. Avoid excessive alcohol, tobacco, and substance use. Continue with routine preventive measures (such as vaccinations, timely check-ups, etc.)

Go easy on yourself if you’re experiencing more depression or anxiety than usual. You’re not alone in your struggles. Maintain a routine as best you can. Even if you’re stuck at home, try to stick to your regular sleep, school, meal, or work schedule. This can help you maintain a sense of normalcy.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


Man is a very strong social being. Whatever hardships he faces, he comes out of such situations successfully and with a sense of greater achievements. No doubt this pandemic has taught us many lessons and we still are in the learning phases of its after-effects deteriorating certain conditions in some of us may it be in our neurological section or other reactionary ways-still the power of recuperation has been the highest in humans. We must not get depressed and lose our courage and do nothing. We must strive even harder to pave our way. Even if some of us have lost our jobs or our regular earnings-we must take it positively as a challenge and covert this odd time into a more positive and productive phase by initiating certain new endeavors. We must always see our brothers and sisters who have been the even worst victim of this pandemic and accept the fact that we have to survive in this newly changed post-pandemic era by adopting certain new approaches as the new normal for all of us to follow.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


Look even the forecasts by the industry gurus also predict a very brighter time ahead-where they say that the country’s recovery to normal will be on the fast track and the jobs would be offered to the needy people to an extent that 76% of the lost position during the pandemic would be recovered. That means almost normal conditions would be re-created here again.

Ravi Speaks:-Anxiety Induced Mental Problems In Lockdown-II.


The best way from now onwards is to look to the brighter side always and be optimistic about the brighter times coming ahead. Only then would the odd situations arising from the Pandemic be eclipsed, and that would be the winning stroke for humanity.





