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Ravi Speaks:-Believe In God- “Religion or No Religion”.

Depiction of LOVE even in the image of tentacles.[picture-Pixabay]

Ravi Speaks:

UPDATED ON 16.03.2023

Believe In God- “Religion or No Religion”.

This article may look to be a philosophical one, but it poses so many queries. I have some simple questions coming to mind -it is up to you to get the leads out of it or pointers and connect them wherever you feel them befitting- looking at the present scenario.
The daily discussions happening nowadays, especially on religion and the emphasis of the same on people’s minds, is according to me, an incomplete and futile exercise being done by certain sects. I believe that most young people hardly have time to discuss religion and its various aspects-in various manifestations of what they call spirituality.

Ravi Speaks:-Believe In God- “Religion or No Religion”.
Mahatma Gandhi.


The reality is the youth’s real efforts and the concern being shown for getting all the comforts of their lives. The younger people have to strive for the same whereas the elderly people have to maintain their consistent efforts to keep their levels of comfort at a high position as per their expectations. It pains us a lot when we hear the violence happening because of religious beliefs and opinions which may vary from one segment of people to the other segment. Isn’t it good, especially in the developed countries where people hardly give time to such occasions which might erupt in confusion and disparity because of varying opinions and beliefs in their system or culture if pursued our way?

Ravi Speaks:-Believe In God- “Religion or No Religion”.
The biggest of all-LOVE


None of us can predict the future, but we can choose which path to take. What’s the big deal about people you expect to do what everyone else is doing? Matthew states that there are two ways. One moved more, and the other moved less. I think people will be happy if they do something different as per their beliefs. So, if you go the influencer’s way, you’ll get confused, but if you make something yourself, you’ll suddenly succeed and achieve something. It’s the money that speaks loudly these days. Your parents want you to be quiet. Nor does it stop knocking on the door. The more success you have, the more responsibility you have.

We always have something to say about everything. Why do some people have more attachment to them than others, but more ears to others for whatever they spread?

Ravi Speaks:-Believe In God- “Religion or No Religion”.
Humanity-the only valuable religion.


Why do they feel they have to force you to do it? You have never thought of it in your life more than anyone else. But when most of us look at our lives, we think we understand it all. We all think we will cross the finish line first. Amazingly, most of us don’t even sit in the driver’s seat. No one likes the difference until the difference is good. Would you like to make others happy wherever you are?

I will talk about money even at such times. Who says money can’t buy happiness? Tell this to those who are hungry. Are you full of happiness? It is human nature. We use everything until we fall or realize that it’s not enough to have it.

That is why the mind is full of what others want from us. Why do we always measure ourselves against the successes and failures of others? What would happen if we were alone?

Imagine for a moment that there is no god! We are here now. We are born and perish, and after us, the rest of humanity carries our memories, and sometimes, our genes. Is it bad? Does it make sense anymore? Do you want to stop loving each other? Do you want to stop fighting? Do you want to stop being considerate? Or do we live moment by moment and understand ourselves do that our actions, words, and reactions and, therefore, our responsibility?

Think about what you’re doing here! Rewards are your life, the world you create, the memories, and the positive changes that make your life a reality. Don’t wait for your next life or heaven. Create it here! Look at the world around you. Many things are wrong and need to be changed. Stop blaming God for them! Don’t expect God’s intervention! We are the people who live on this planet. It is our responsibility. Believe in yourself and the power you have to change the world around you. Starting with small things, change happens from person to person. Start the revolution. Start believing that God lives in you and imagine your perfect part among others. Let us not come under the influence of the so-called provocateurs.

Ravi Speaks:-Believe In God- “Religion or No Religion”.
Multiple religions in the world


Think so simply as mentioned for yourself and your people around. Positivity would reflect around and the disparity of thoughts would vanish. There won’t be any need for the situations to grow out of control and get violent. There won’t be any triggering of the sentiments then. Just think on these simple lines and someone would minimally find your wavelength varying with the people in positivity. That is exactly where the eruption of any adversity or unhappiness would get tarnished as a matter of logic. Let us believe in the great creator or God for all of us and thank him for giving so beautiful an arena to all of us to perform our duties in a happier and congenial way. With such a thought, let me in the end pray that beliefs, creations, and logic be with everyone as the essential part of their thought process, but with a clear and similar positive longing.

Top of Form 

Isn’t that where we all end up when we consider our God, His creation, the works of His mighty hand? All awesome and as a real “wonder”.
Very well put in a poetic form are the wonders of the God Almighty: –

God is so holy and true

I am captured by You

And all of the things You do

Things too wonderful for me

Things that set this heart free

It’s all such a mystery.


