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Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.

 Ravi Speaks:

Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.

The following article was written by me and published on 23.06.2020. This was the time when China’s Wuhan and China’s indulgence were being discussed threadbare by the various American and international agencies- since the Pandemic had started spreading its tentacles- first in Europe and then in the USA fast. The various details regarding the actions by the Chinese were being suspiciously looked into by the Americans and deep study to reach the ultimate mission of China behind all its projects were being conducted in the midst of the COVID-19 spread. This was the time when the Americans were having a very colossal loss of human life due to COVID-19.  This the article simply tried to reach the conclusion as to what extent China was already inside the developed countries mainly like USA’s internationally known Universities- and how much difficult it was for Americans to really conduct the detective assignments against China-especially under the intense pressure of that time’s President of USA-Mr.Trump. Enjoy the read.

“China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.


After the pandemic of the Covid19 all over the world and more specifically in US-there have been many stories coming out regarding both China and the US. The US president directly attacking China for the “invisible enemy” spread in his country and even threatening China for putting many sanctions-whether in trade or in the educational entrance in the US.

Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.


We had heard of the scientists of the US getting bribed by China and extracting from him the know-how, about various projects and American Govt. expelling him subsequently. We also heard of raising the import duties enormously for China’s finished goods so that China gets a jolt on the trade front as well. But today after so many journals have come out with proper authenticity-I am going to talk about China’s smartness in trying to influence the US top universities and thereby influencing to diminish their reputation.

 Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.

MIT-No.1 University in the world.

The various journals saying the following facts with authentic links are given: –

1. In February 2020, an investigation by the Wall Street Journal found that two of the largest and most famous universities of the USA had received a whopping $ 6.5 BILLION as “donation”, contracts or gifts from China, Saudi, Qatar, and UAE.

(LINK : https://www.wsj.com/articles/education-department-investigating-harvard-yale-over-foreign-funding-11581539042)

2. Of this, a Bloomberg investigation revealed that Harvard alone received a whopping $ 1 BILLION as a donation from China. Many of these were in form of “gifts”. However, Harvard only declared $ 97 Million. The rest of $ 903 Million were unaccounted for.

(LINK : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-06/harvard-leads-u-s-colleges-that-received-1-billion-from-china?utm_source=url_link)

3. Investigations were initiated by US federal agencies and it was found that the large part of these “donated” funds being donated and used by Harvard and Yale were unaccounted for.

Now, the question is why would these countries donate to Harvard and Yale without any collateral?

(LINK : https://www.npr.org/2020/02/13/805548681/harvard-yale-targets-of-education-department-probe-into-foreign-donations?t=1592234349184)

4. After the investigations were started, a number of eminent professors, scientists, and faculty members of these universities and other universities in the US were either arrested or sacked from jobs. It was discovered that they were illegally working for the Chinese Universities, despite being professors at US universities. Almost all of them had “UNDISCLOSED” ties with China.

(LINK : https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/harvard-professor-charged-federally-with-lying-about-income/2068591/?amp)

5. As of date, 54 TOP US scientists have been sacked for having confirmed “undisclosed” and “hidden” ties with China, and engaged in illegal activities (such as transferring intellectual properties to China while using the resources of the USA).

(LINK: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/06/fifty-four-scientists-have-lost-their-jobs-result-nih-probe-foreign-ties)

6. Apparently, what China was doing was bribing the academicians in top US universities (often at $ 50,000 per month) to work for Chinese universities secretly. A number of intellectual properties were stolen and sent to China.

(LINK : https://boston.cbslocal.com/2020/06/10/charles-lieber-harvard-china-lying-indictment/)

7. Now, do you know?

It all started in the 2010s when Xi Jinping’s daughter Xi Mingzhe enrolled herself at Harvard University. Yes, she studied at the Harvard University under a pseudonym to protect her identity. That’s when the Chinese “donations” and “gifts” to Harvard started to skyrocket !!

8. Now, look at the countries that are donating to the top universities in the range of BILLIONS of dollars –




d) UAE

Can you see the pumping of money to the best universities of the world, and the promotion of certain ideologies ???

9. Now that the US enforcement agencies have totally busted the ring by:

-tracking the money trail,

-sacking the professors and scientists illegally having ties with China,

-detaining students who were enrolled in US universities but working as spies,

the new strategy, now it seems, is to shoot from the shoulders of Indian communists.

(LINK : https://edition.cnn.com/2019/02/01/politics/us-intelligence-chinese-student-espionage/index.html)

10. NDTV has been a vocal supporter of China and went to the extent of defending the country during Covid19. All of a sudden, the senior-most and the most influential journalist of NDTV is sent to Harvard University as a faculty member.

PS – All the links here are from Bloomberg, CNN; Science; Wall Street Journal; NBC and The Guardian. These are so credible as you can imagine. None of the links and claims are from “WhatsApp university”.

Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.

Harvard University-No.2 in the ranking.

Now after reading the above post it is really very stunning to note as to what reputation these universities are enjoying. When you see the surveys from various research sources done-following are the top four universities of the world: –

Rank University   Location

1      Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)    United States

2      Stanford University      United States

3      Harvard University       United States

4      University of Oxford     United Kingdom

Look at the irony, all the top three are under the lens of the Government of the US, and if the US government is taking certain harsh steps they are right. They should have taken these long ago so that things would not have gone too far beyond the repair.

Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.

Stanford University-No.3 in the ranking

The U.S. to Expel Chinese Graduate Students With Ties to China’s Military Schools

The move is the latest in the Trump administration’s efforts to impose limits on Chinese students. But university officials say the government is paranoid, and that the United States will lose out.

The Trump administration plans to cancel the visas of thousands of Chinese graduate students and researchers in the United States who have direct ties to universities affiliated with the People’s Liberation Army, according to American officials with knowledge of the discussions.

Administrators and teachers have been briefed in recent years by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department on potential national security threats posed by Chinese students, especially ones working in the sciences. But the university employees are wary of a possible new “red scare” that targets students of a specific national background and that could contribute to anti-Asian racism.

There were more than 360,000 Chinese students in the United States in the 2017-2018 school year, according to the Institute of International Education, more than triple the count from nine years earlier.

Americans of Chinese descent, including those with partial Chinese ancestry, constitute 1.5% of the total U.S. population as of 2017. According to the 2010 census, the Chinese American population numbered approximately 3.8 million.

Chinese students remain by far the largest contingent of the more than 1 million international students in the U.S. for 2018-19 academic year – totaling more than those from the next six countries combined.

Ravi Speaks: “China’s Intrusion in US Universities”.

Oxford University No-4 in the ranking.

Looking at all these statistics, it is really very clear as to why the US is now going to put all possible pressures on the ouster of Chinese from its native land. It may be first starting with students-reason very clear that China has left no stone unturned in maligning the US academic fraternity-whether the Professor rank or the top Scientists of the country. Economic sanctions may be the other major step on the larger scale-where they have already started taking a few initial steps.

If we talk about our India vis-à-vis China-we too are sailing more or less in the same boat but yes, here the things are different and war of conflicts on borders going back to 1960’s still not solved and China’s consistent intrusion and exploitation are very visible.

The only question arising in the mind -“Will China be facing the similar approach of harsh steps as taken by the US from European Union as well”??? Only time will unfold the reality.


