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Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday.


Ravi Speaks:-

Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday.

Updated on 24.05.2022.

Every day Is Not A Sunday

You must have heard a lot of such stories-where a person who becomes rich overnight and suddenly his style of living changes drastically. The amount of money he gets as his luck sparkles and suddenly he becomes a big thing out of nothing. So much so that he doesn’t know what should he do with such a huge amount. He lives only in the 5-star lodgings with a swimming pool always beside his bedroom and starts taking the best of the quality booze-depicting a class mark in the so-called community.

This is a true Commentary but with a powerful message:- 

This is a true commentary that I am scribbling down here but with a powerful message to the youth of our country. I am trying to convey to all my fellow beings that such an exciting story published in the magazines should not drift them or influence them so much that they too started following the same path as this a young man about whom I am talking. This young man got the millions through what they call- online transactions or in a more sophisticated manner, you may call it to be like online trading. Trading I don’t mean speculative one based on NSE or NIFTY indices-where the bulls are sometimes jumping around and suddenly the next moment getting subdued badly because of the trade expressions changing their colors.

There is no substitute for Hard labor: –

In this very special article, my primary aim is to convey to all my younger brothers and sisters that there is no substitute for hard labor and that is the only firm key to achieving their own goals. The examples which I am going to give here are of those people who, by a simple stroke of luck, got the riches and entered into a phase where they too didn’t know how to carry on or even come out of it.

A Delhi boy becomes a millionaire overnight from a delivery boy delivering Pizza: –

This is about a Delhiite -a young boy who was a poor guy working in a food delivery section and earning daily wages. While he was delivering the food item to one of his rich clients, he overheard his client saying to someone that he made twenty lakhs within no time on the trading line. This boy learned the name of the trading line and started playing himself on the same line. The first earning as per him was Rs.39000/- without even a single penny put by him on the first day itself. This made him even more interested in that trade and started picking up the tricks of that trade online. As per him and as per the printed material available-he made millions of rupees in just the first month itself. This changed his life altogether, and he started living life as a royal King-size. He cleared off all his earlier debts and started putting even very higher amounts in the same line/trade and earning that way. Following are some of his pictures depicting his living standard. Nobody could make out that he was just a delivery boy only one month back in Delhi.

Don’t get drifted by the following beautiful and scintillating pictures of the millionaire: –

Pic1.2.3-Image Source-Google/Wikipedia/Instagram

Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday.

Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday.

Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday.

Dhule Bhaumik is the name of this very young boy, hardly in his early twenties. In the first month itself, he had purchased two huge luxury houses and a Mercedes-wearing a HUBLOT on the left wrist. He immediately released his personal pictures of how he was living in a five star and that too with some of his girlfriends as well. He has now started saying that he would teach the people how they could make the money the same way as he did on this trading line called the OLYPTRADE.  This is how the thinking also changes and one becomes a teacher, an expert, and an influence on the rest of the people around.

The trading Online Company gained the ground through advertising this Boy and his royal style: –

Why do I use the word influencer? Because that was exactly the primary aim of the trading house online that people would look at him and his living style and get allured towards their online business. Do you think all the people who got allured after seeing this overnight rich boy- would also become so rich as he became? I am afraid this is exactly where the beginning of the end starts for them since this success story does not repeat per person or even per million people. The main purpose of this entire show of the boy’s standard of living and his spending money like water is basically an art of propagating about the business online or a sort of advertisement and ‘look man’- it really pays them very well. Unfortunately, in our country poverty, illiteracy, and shortcut- “Juga ads” have been the interesting factors for the youth to get into such devastating attractions. That is why such online trades really work very well with endless numbers getting trapped on daily basis. In the initial stage when a newcomer has just started, such trades even offer them a huge initial loan to play with so that these poor chaps are trapped from that side also. I am reminded of a very strong dialogue of my friend-which he used to make every time someone would ask him about what he did. He would enumerate first all the things he had done and then he would say- “Aur Kya Bacche Ki Jaan Loge Kya”. Here these poor chaps under the dream of becoming like Dhule Bhaumik-would find themselves slowly and steadily in a tightly compressed corner-where finally some of them really would play with their precious lives even.

Always be realistic and work hard with a focus on your mission: –

My dear friends, I mean all the upcoming youth of our country work hard on your own set goals, and please go all out for the achievement of your dreams. Don’t, for God’s sake, get drifted in between by such alluring personalities or occasions, and don’t leave the focus for your own mission set. The moment you achieve even fifty percent of your own dreams, think you are on the victory path, and reaching the goal post will not be difficult at all, since half the journey achieved by you has been a triumphant one. Unfortunately, some of our exceptional colleagues go for these shortcuts and try to earn money overnight-but they are the guys who really repent after some time and always search for happiness and comfort.

Many Online Opportunities are there for multiple online lucrative jobs other than of course-Trading: –

There are many online opportunities other than trading and one can surely try his destiny there. They too give a very good monetary compensation for your work, but while searching for those lines, please be sure that they are the authentic ones and you would be paid duly under their terms and conditions. Here again, let me tell you that fifty percent of domination in the online jobs is of the bigger houses, which are just a few like Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Infosys, Wipro, BYD, and so on. But all such big houses have already the fillings done and once you have to go for the rest of the lot, you really need a thorough study for that as well. Look at the following allurements for those yearning youth: –

Attractive Advertisements for On-Line Opportunities: –


Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday.

 Image-Source-Google/Times career

They normally give attractive advertisements like the one shown above and then they give the photograph of a few young boys and girls conveying that these guys had also applied through them and got very lucrative emoluments. There may be the truth about the same, but this truth does not apply to one and all. Following are some parts of their advertisements coming: –


EXPOSED: Deepti Patel From Ahmedabad Makes Rs.115,000/Month From Home And You Won’t Believe How She Does It!

Ravi Speaks-Every day Is Not A Sunday. Image-Source-Google/Times career

You could be receiving cheques like this

 Deepti puts her computer to work and makes money while from home. She ram to make it out of the recession Quickly.

“I actually make Rs.100,000-Rs.115,000 from home every month.” – Deepti Patel

Deepti had never shared her story before, this is the first time she’s going public.


Don’t go by the alluring advertisements only. Search for the Bigger Houses by contacting them directly: –

The above-detailed account given by one advertisement for alluring the youth to apply and get the similar benefits-simply explains: –

1.    The Girl candidate might have been contacted by them since she has been earning well or even if she had come through their recommendation only how many of such people have been earning this amount crossing 1.15 lacs per month. (Probability Chances)

2.    What is the authenticity of their having excellent control on such houses-where they assure even the candidates for the online jobs? (Their Authenticity)

3.    Why they have been asking for such a huge amount to be given initially for the simple form filling? They have been asking for the initial minimum amount of Rs.4500/-(Why huge money to be paid?)

4.    How many times the further amount is to be paid to them for such an e-cash program as they call it? Mind you, this amount becomes crucial since the candidate is searching for his livelihood and has no money.

So, my dear friends, people who really want to go for the online work could very well approach the bigger houses directly. Because nowadays each and every House is quite open for all. Nobody has to even ask for any extra procedural guidance-things are elaborated very well in simpler terms by all the bigger houses.

You can follow the above method of applying through these third parties too, but then you should be hundred percent sure about the points raised above are being replied to satisfactorily for you.

Beware of the vast difference between online trade/gambling and online jobs: –

Look on one side, I wanted to convey to all my fellow youngsters that they should not go and follow the first example at all and hard labor would really give them the due fruits if they pursue that sincerely. I mean ‘NO’ online trading or gambling and one should not at all get attracted towards that side. Whereas there are many brighter opportunities for online jobs subject to the condition that you handle that segment directly with the bigger houses without third-party intervention. If you are sure about the authenticity and track record of the third party as a facilitator for your getting the required job-only then -please go ahead.

 Always remember that you can not change the order of nature. After all, you will find Tuesday only after Monday is over (Logic always to be followed) and every day will not be a Sunday for making merry and magic. For a person like Bhaumik, the millionaire-it is just a stroke of luck-which in no way applies to people.

