Ravi Speaks:
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. – E. E. Cummings
Humor connects people, lightens the mood, and gives much-needed relief. The effects of laughter on human health were so phenomenal that people started laughter clubs, where they met and laughed. There are many ways to make someone laugh; you can tell a joke, make funny faces or gestures, incorporate funny quotes and sayings―whatever the means, the results are always the same. They say laughter is the elixir of life, and bringing a smile to someone’s face is a noble act. Funny skits are therefore highly regarded when it comes to entertainment.
Following are the skits extracted from the “entertainism” segment-which are really going to make you laugh and admire: –
Skit # 1: Jim and Jane
Jim rushed to work after the meet with the doctor. On returning home in the evening, Jane was preparing dinner. He remembered what the doctor had suggested and thought of executing the plan at that very moment. He moved 50 feet away and asked:
Skit # 2: The Ants and the Grasshopper
We’ve all heard the famous ant and the grasshopper story, the one in which the grasshopper is singing and dancing all summer wasting his time, while the ants are busy collecting food to secure themselves for winter. Winter arrives―the ants have food, the grasshopper has none. He finally learns his lesson of working hard for a living.
Now, let’s enact a funny modern version of the same story―the ants work hard gathering food for winter, while the grasshopper laughs at them, and enjoys his summer to the fullest. The ants work extremely hard and build a house (an anthill) to protect them during the harsh winter months. As winter arrives, the shivering and starved grasshopper calls for a press conference, complaining he has no food to eat. He starts picking on the ants, pointing out how they can’t share their food or shelter with a deprived soul. He starts putting forth questions such as, “why should the ants enjoy good food and shelter when he is left to suffer in the cold”.
All the news channels offer him support, broadcasting his misery. They make this broadcast all the more melodramatic, by airing the comfort of the ants. People are in shock and are sympathizing with the grasshopper now. The ants are portrayed as cruel and insensitive-selfish creatures, as they have no sympathy for the shivering grasshopper. People begin to criticize the government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the grasshopper. Online petitions seeking support for the grasshopper flood the internet. People start collection boxes to fund this grasshopper, and many other such shivering and starving grasshoppers.
Finally, the homes of the ants are confiscated and handed over to the grasshopper in a pompous ceremony.
Skit # 3: Engineer and a Manager
A woman flying in a hot air balloon found herself lost in the middle of nowhere. She reduces height and spots a man below.