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 Ravi Speaks:


The most contagious thing known to mankind is laughter, and it’s the only contagious thing that strengthens our immune system. Laughter reduces the level of stress-causing hormones like cortisol and epinephrine, and it also increases antibody-producing cells. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and famous psychiatrist summarized in his ‘relief theory’ that laughter releases tension and ‘psychic energy.

One of the ways to make people laugh and entertain a group is by performing funny skits. Following is the ‘Part-2’ of the skits extracted from the “Entertainism” segment-which are really going to make you laugh:-


Skit # 1: The Cap Seller and the Monkeys:-


Once upon a time, there lived a poor, but wise cap seller. Every day after selling his caps, he took the route through the jungle back home for an afternoon nap. One day, he was too tired. He decided to take a nap under a tree in the forest itself. Leaving his basket of caps aside, he fell off to sleep, without noticing the monkeys on the tree. As he woke up, he realized that his caps weren’t where he left them. He looked around and finally spotted the monkeys on the tree. The monkeys were wearing his caps.

The cap seller thought of a smart way to get his caps back. He took off his cap and dusted it. All the monkeys imitated him. He then tossed the cap in the air and caught it midway. The monkeys did the same. He finally took off his cap and threw it on the ground in frustration. The monkeys fell for his trick and threw their caps down as well. The wise cap seller picked up all his caps and fled.

Infocard: After 20 years, the cap seller’s grandson, took up the same profession. He took the same jungle route back home every afternoon. One fine day, he wasn’t feeling too well and happened to take a nap under the same tree, that his grandfather had chosen 20 years ago. When he woke up, he was faced with the same situation his grandfather had to face two decades ago. Since he was aware of that incident, he decided to trick the monkeys into doing the same thing. He took off his hat and waved it to them. The monkeys took off their caps and waved them back at him. He then wore the hat back. The monkey put on their hats as well. He finally took off his hat and threw it on the ground, just as his grandfather had. On doing this, one monkey got off the tree and came to the ground.

He then slapped the cap seller hard, snatched the cap he had flung to the ground, climbed back onto the tree, and shouted, “You’re not the only one who had a grandfather!”

Skit # 2: The Dog, the Monkey, and the Lion:-


Once upon a time, there lived an orphan dog. He lived alone fending for himself. One day, he ventured into the jungle in search of food. After a lot of looking, he finally found a few bones near a tree. Excited about his discovery, he quickly scurried towards the bones. Just as he was about to pop one into his mouth, he heard a few footsteps behind him. He hid behind the tree and peeped to check who it was.

To his dismay, he saw a lion advancing towards the tree. The dog thought to himself, “I am too small to fight this lion, and there’s little chance he wouldn’t spot me in the next 5 minutes”. He kept pondering about how to get out of this crisis. After 2 minutes, he came up with an ingenious plan. Taking one bone in his mouth, he yelled with all his might, “Wow, this lion was delicious! If only I got one more lion to eat, it would satisfy my hunger for the night.”

On hearing this, the lion traced back his steps. Surprised with what the dog had said, the lion thought to himself, “This dog seems pretty brave. He hunted down a lion? Let me get out of here before he makes me his next meal.” As the lion left, the dog breathed a sigh of relief. He sat there peacefully chewing his bone. A monkey sitting on that tree was a spectator to this little event. He knew what exactly the dog had done. The monkey thought to himself, “If I inform the lion of how this dog fooled him, we’d become friends. Becoming friends with the lion will ensure my safety in this jungle as well.” The monkey jumped off the tree and sped away to meet the lion.

The dog spotted the monkey running away, and speculated the monkey’s plan. He sat there patiently waiting to watch what was about to happen. He then saw the lion heading towards him once again, with the monkey on his back. The lion looked furious, and the look on his face was enough to let the dog know what had happened. The lion was just 5 steps away when he saw the dog chewing the same bone.

As he took another step forward, the dog exclaimed, “This silly monkey, it’s been almost an hour since I sent him to get that lion. How difficult is it to convince one lion? Stupid fellow!”



