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Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?


Ravi Speaks:-

Updated on 16.06.2022.

How important is Sleep?

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?



ur, the primary aim here is to understand the basic term- “SLEEP” and its advantages with some of the common problems associated. This approach has been touched on here for the sake of an average person. We strive to at least discuss common problems and basic terminology that laypeople encounter in their daily work.

Is Sleep so important?

Right from my childhood, I have been listening to my elders and even my relatives that one who sleeps comfortably enjoys a happy & disease-free life with freshness always remaining with him. With time as I grew older, I started realizing the importance of Sleep in my own life. Earlier, when I was around 25 years of age, I remember I used to always love to sleep as and when I got a chance and it used to give me a sort of satisfaction to myself. In winters, I used to get up late and enjoyed every bit. As I grew further, I started realizing that the number of hours of sleep per day had reduced drastically and I too was not particular, especially for the long-drawn hours of sleep. Maybe the level of engagements had increased and along with them, even responsibilities too had put the burden on the mind and body so much that one had forgotten to take the fullest advantage of the natural sleep. Also, the changes in the belly’s girth with the advancement of age along with certain modern-day possessions like high BP, etc. have affected my sleep drastically.

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

 Sleep the medicine?

Sleep, they say, is proper medicine. Following special words explains it: -Sleep is the best medication. There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even in the briefest than in all the alcohol ever distilled “by Edward Lucas.

We spend around 1/3rd of our life sleeping, and it has been acknowledged by Supreme Court, in May 2012 in a judgment, that “sleep is essential for a human being to maintain the delicate balance of health, necessary for one’s survival and very existence, sleep is, therefore, a fundamental requirement without which the existence of life itself would be in peril. “A sound sleep is an inviolable right under Article 21 of the constitution. A Good Laugh and a Long Sound Sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book. An ancient proverb says, “Five hours sleep a traveler, seven a scholar, eight a merchant, and eleven every knave (a dishonest man)”Today’s physical and mental complaint leads to the consequences of “Sleep Debt” meaning ‘lack of sleep’. People who are sleep-deprived suffer from High Blood Pressure, diabetes, obesity, and Loss of Memory. “Oh, sleep! It is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole”-Have a refreshing sleep always.

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

 Other Ailments of Sleep?

Many words attached to Sleep come to mind- like -1. Sleep Anxiety 2. Sleep Apnea 3. Sleep sickness 4. Sleep Hormone 5. Sleepwalking 6. Sleep pills 7. Sleep paralysis 8. Sleep Hygiene 9. Sleep styles/positions.

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

 What is Sleep Apnoea?

We will just discuss these in brief-one by one: –

A)Sleep Anxiety: -As Winnie Yu, a writer for WebMD, noted in her article “Scared to Sleep,” sleep anxiety is performance anxiety. Many people may stress about not getting enough sleep to function, but the stress alone of trying to sleep can cause people to sit awake for hours.

B)Sleep Apnoea: -Signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea include excessive daytime sleepiness. ·        

Loud snoring.         

Observed episodes of stopped breathing during sleep.         

Abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping or choking.         

Awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat.        

Morning headache.         

Difficulty concentrating during the day.

More about Sleep Apnoea: –

In adults, the most common cause of obstructive sleep apnoea is excess weight and obesity, which is associated with the soft tissue of the mouth and throat. During sleep, when the throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed, this soft tissue can cause the airway to become blocked.

While a diagnosis of sleep apnoea can be scary, it is a treatable condition. There are many steps you can take on your own to help, particularly for mild-to-moderate sleep apnoea. Home remedies and lifestyle modifications can go a long way in reducing sleep apnoea symptoms must but not all people with obstructive sleep apnoea are overweight. However, not everyone with obstructive sleep apneais overweight and vice versa. Thin people can develop the disorder, too. Narrowed airway.

Sleep apnoea is a condition in which you’re breathing repeatedly in pauses while you sleep. When this happens, your body wakes you up to resume breathing. Sleep apnoea does more than make you sleepy, though. When left untreated, it can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and other long-term health risks. Like obstructive sleep apnoea, central sleep apnoea is more common in males and people over the age of 65. However, unlike obstructive sleep apnoea, central sleep apnoea is often associated with serious illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, neurological disease, or spinal or brain-stem injury.

Sleep apnoea lifestyle remedies: –

1. Maintain a healthy weight. Doctors commonly recommend people with sleep apnea lose weight.

2. Try yoga. Regular exercise can increase your energy level, strengthen your heart, and improve sleep apnoea.

3. Alter your sleep position.

4. Use a humidifier.

5. Avoid alcohol and smoking.

6. Use oral appliances.

Apnoea-App Detects Sleep Apnoea Via Smartphone With 95% to 99% Accuracy.

A new smartphone app developed at the University of Washington (UW) uses a smartphone to wirelessly test for sleep apnoea events in a person’s bedroom. Left untreated, sleep apnoea can have serious and life-shortening consequences: high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, automobile accidents caused by falling asleep at the wheel, diabetes, depression, and other ailments. Mixed sleep apnoea, as the name implies, is a combination of the two. Treating OSA is important because it’s linked with other medical problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. According to experts, at least one in 10 people over age 65 have sleep apnea. Sleep Apnoea Signs: Snoring, Gasping, Sleepiness The three major warning signs of obstructive sleep apnoea are: Loud, persistent snoring. Pauses in breathing, accompanied by gasping episodes when sleeping. Excessive sleepiness during waking hours.

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?


 Different Sleeping Abnormalities: –

A) Sleeping sickness is characterized by two stages of illness. In the first stage, infected persons typically experience fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and inflammation of the lymph nodes. The second stage, which develops within several weeks (T. brucei rhodesiense) or within one to two years.

B) Sleep Hormone: – Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland of the brain that regulates sleep cycles.

C) Sleep Walking: -: Common triggers for sleepwalking include sleep deprivation, sedative agents (including alcohol), febrile illnesses, and certain medications. The prevalence of sleepwalking is much higher for children, especially those between the ages of three and seven, and occurs more often in children with sleep apnea.

D) Sleeping pills can cause people to feel drowsy or experience effects like those from alcohol use when abused. You should never drive or operate machinery after taking sleeping pills. Always avoid the condition of parasomnia. Further research shows sleeping pills lead to an increased risk of cancer-related death as well.

E) Sleep Paralysis: -The sleep demon is a hallucination linked to sleep paralysis, which occurs when a person is jolted awake in the middle of rapid eye movement (REM) the phase of sleep associated with dreaming. You wake up, but your brain is still dreaming — and it’s projecting your nightmares into the real world.

F) Sleep hygiene’: -means habits that help you have a good night’s sleep. Common sleeping problems (such as insomnia) are often caused by bad habits reinforced over years or even decades. You can dramatically improve your sleep quality by making a few minor adjustments to lifestyle and attitude.


Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

Ravi Speaks-How important is Sleep?

Other good sleep hygiene practices include ·

Limiting daytime naps to 30 minutes.        

Avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime.

Exercising to promote good quality sleep. 

Steering clear of food that can be disruptive right before sleep.

Ensuring adequate exposure to natural light.

A) Sleeping Style/position: -The Lateral Sleeping Position-Research has suggested that sleeping on your side appears to be the most ideal for snoring and sleep, apnoea sufferers. When your body is positioned on its side during rest, the airways are more stable and less likely to collapse or restrict air. I have been having the Obstructive Sleep problem because of the Nasal Polyps, which have grown over the years, and doctors say that even surgery for polyps may not be a permanent solution for this, since they might recur. ·       

There are many other medical terminologies for the Sleep disorders like·        

Insomnia: Most insomnias are related to poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic diseases, or certain medications. Symptoms may include difficulty falling asleep or falling asleep and not feeling good rest. The treatment of insomnia includes improving sleep habits, behavior therapy, and identifying and treating the underlying cause. Sleeping pills can also be used, but their side effects should be monitored.   

Narcolepsy:- Chronic sleep disorder, leading to daytime sleepiness. The cause of narcolepsy is not well understood, but it may involve genetic factors and abnormal signaling in the brain. Narcolepsy can cause sudden sleep attacks. May suddenly lose muscle tone and hallucinations. Stimulants, antidepressants, and other drugs can help.   

Restless Legs Syndrome: – A morbid state, usually in the evening, moving the legs almost irresistibly. Restless legs syndrome usually occurs when sitting or lying down. As we age, it usually worsens and may disrupt sleep. The major symptom is the almost irrepressible urge to move the legs. Getting up and walking around can help temporarily eliminate discomfort. Self-care steps, lifestyle changes or medication may help.

REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder. etc.:- REM sleep behavior disorder involves abnormal behavior or behavior during rapid eye movement sleep. The disease is a sleep disorder called ‘parasomnia’. These are sleep disorders, in which strange or dangerous events can occur that disrupt sleep. Although it can occur at any age, men over 50 most commonly suffer from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD). This article explores the nature, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods, and potential causes of RBD.

Now there are many such forms and even the details about the correction courses to be applied for Sleep disorders. I have not gone into details of the main sleeplessness like Insomnia-which is again an enormous topic and something where the medical fraternity can throw a better light. Let us keep those for the doctors to explain and treat those disorders. Our primary aim of understanding the basic “SLEEP” and its advantages and some of the common problems associated has been touched on here for the sake of an average person.                        


