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Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!

 Ravi Speaks:

I am a freelancer!

Right from the day I got retired from my active service-which was related to the extensive travel and field-related assignments- I had one feeling that at least after the retirement I would in no way be working in a corporate sector office job. I had become so fed up with this tight private Office culture I wanted to break the shackles of restrictions around me. I realized that even we as the executives in the private job were more or less functioning as subdued personalities, always depending upon the whims and fancies of our bosses-who used to command the orders and we had to fulfill those by hook or crook and come up to the satisfying levels of our seniors. Because we were taught right from the beginning that we had to prove to be a profitable proposition to our organization at every step of our performing duties.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!

The office atmosphere is full of Dominance and Tension. 

Now, under such a dominant and commanding atmosphere, how could one be a tension-free person who otherwise had to prove to be delivering his services in a mode of profit or gain for his organization-which mainly was a one-man show? In my case, although a hierarchy of ranks was fixed for anyone to rise in his career-still for proving myself and my abilities- I had to prove my prowess and strength by sailing triumphantly against the strong turbulent wave of sycophancy. People who knew how to butter both sides of their boss’s bread got the earlier jumps in their careers to rise. In modern times, such people are known as the smarter guys and those who put in their best efforts for the betterment of their organization-invariably have slow-paced growth for the obvious reason. That obvious reason is their hard-working and associated abilities, for which they are kept on the same track since their seniors need the continued dividends through their continued efforts.

According to my understanding, a freelancer works in an arrangement with the conditions agreeable to both him and the buyer of his services. Here, the customers are essentially the third party who needed the job done through their skills. But the freelancer again needs to find his niche within the freelance job market, which is super crucial to leveraging his time and money and ultimately finding something he would love to do. Freelance skillsare the abilities that equip individuals to better communicate with companies, advertise their services, and complete their work for clients efficiently. They usually complete contract work, which is when a business hires them for a specialized task or service.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!
So, in very simple words: 
Freelance is defined as a working arrangement when a person sells his services to individual buyers with whom he is not employed.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!


Some of the most common freelance jobs- are like becoming a writer-may be for a blog, small ad-write ups, or even promotional strategic writing, etc. I also have taken up this writing as my main job and I am sure that I am neither any ‘Ad-writer’ nor a ‘copywriter’ type. But -yes, I am a small story writer who writes purely on his creative ability and the truth in the nonfictional type of writing. I write small write-ups -but only for my satisfaction and satiation. Those small write-ups I send for publication to different magazines and even to my daily website for getting published. I don’t have any affinity that I have to write only for getting money. It is being done only to keep myself busy and I get a lot of satisfaction in doing such work. I have a varied niche in writing as well. It is not restricted only to one form of writing. I write a sometimes critical commentary on certain events and submit my reviews on certain latest researched products since I have been associated with pharma for almost four decades. Such write-ups are given to the fixed magazines that have taken me on their writer’s list. Besides, I have been into Creative Designing for apparel and Affiliate Marketing as a purely freelance participant.

Freelance work can be mutually beneficial for both contractors and employers.

In a recession, employers are benefiting from contractors who offer incredibly low prices and quality work. Currently, freelance work is the equivalent of a real estate “buyer’s market.” Employers outsource tasks to freelancers and pay 75% less than full-time employees. This is a great opportunity for new entrepreneurs who have little capital but have ideas that need to be put on the market. Search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), and keyword-rich content are areas where customers can win meaningful business. Employees with the same workload can get over five times as much work with the same workload and advice. Business owners who need to build customers on the Internet have a real advantage in the services offered by freelancers.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!


Youth openly opting for certain high demand-niches in the freelancing segment: –

There are many other freelancers like the web-designers or even digital designers. Since that niche is the happening of one at present, I have seen many young people opting for the same. Just yesterday I came across a very young boy of around 21 years of age who took one of my accommodations on rent. I asked him about his job profile. He simply said that he was a freelancer and had spent a couple of years in Mumbai, as well. He was a musician and wanted to settle for a few years in Delhi and establish his band. I asked him about his native place. He said that he belonged to Baroda and his parents were settled there. I asked him if he liked the accommodation. He said that he liked it but he wanted one enormous room where He could play with his big drums and do the practice session with his band team. Out of my curiosity, I asked him how much money he would make out of this. His reply was straightforward and forthright. He said Uncle; I have not been thinking about the earnings, but yes; I have to prove myself. He further said that a mere 9-5 PM job would not be giving him anything so substantial as he would get out of his job liking. My point to discuss this young boy was the trend of the modern-day.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!


Freelancing is a choice for 60% of people working independently: –

Whatever your reason, there’s no denying that freelance jobs are on the rise. In today’s technology-dependent society, there has never been a better time to get started in freelancing. Just as this young musician had a clear-cut vision about himself, likewise, you would find very young web designers, digital masters, and many such people following a similar freelancer’s pattern.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!


Satisfaction-Co-efficient is Very High: –

If someone asks me about my level of satisfaction, then-my clear-cut reply would be in affirmation. I was never that free and happier as I find myself with my freelancing stance. I feel I could do better in such an atmosphere as compared to my earlier phase. I have been keeping myself busy constructively and the productive yield from a freelancer of my small stature also is quite satisfying.

Besides writing, I am into Affiliate Marketing-which I admit I am very new to that. I am still picking up the tricks of that trade and it is a very vast subject-which seems to be deep-rooted, and I have developed a special affinity for that.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!


At ‘62’ I find myself absorbed into my niche with full liking: –

Finally, I have been doing photoshopping too. This has made me busy and involved with my apparel design. This sort of digital designing I have been learning for the past almost five years and to me, it also looks to be very interesting and I enjoy it as well. Earnings here are very huge and for a person like me–I have not to bother with the earnings but yes, I want I get accepted by the masses through my work. I would like to come in a big way once things would come on track faster and I also complete my initial training mode. I am happy that when I am 62 still; I am thrilled to work as a freelancer and am happy to learn new things with high zeal.

If you are unsure how to get started-then first identify the niche you would love to stick to: –

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably thinking about going freelance but are a little unsure of how to get started. Before anything else, you should know which niche you would love to stick to. You should also check out the ones which I have mentioned above since they are the ones in demand and most young people opt for them. Looking to the fast digitization-one should, by all means, try to pick up the tricks of the trade in the niche like Web-developer, Web-designing, Creative Digital designing, and above all program-related coding or decoding. The future is going to be digital and AI-driven only. Looking at such fields-it is infinite and you can enjoy your life with such a choice-no doubt.

Ravi Speaks:-I am a freelancer!


In ‘Post-Covid-Period’- ‘WFH’ is laying a strong foundation for Freelancing: 

I strongly feel that looking at the Post Covid scenario-where most of the people still like to operate from their homes only and even the companies realize the overall impact of WFH- the strong foundation of freelancing is already set in. Youth of present times have realized that it is all up to their potential and extent of working in their type of niche, especially independently, which would give them a strong future. Growth for everyone in this sort of atmosphere is endless. Therefore, for the people like us who have already gone into the Senior citizens category-pursuing this type of freelancing is surely an accomplishment and I feel proud to be doing that.



