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Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

 Ravi Speaks:

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

In continuation of the unique doctors’ series-here is part-II of the same. This was written and published on 25th July’2020. The same is hereby being re-published for your reading.Enjoy the read!!

 Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II. 

Yesterday I could not include so many other types of unique doctors whom I have come across. So I shall be trying to summarise the rest, left out in today’s brief. While I was in Amritsar from 1996 till 2000- I came across many such unique doctors. Some were so impressive and trendsetting that they put a special impact on me as far as the potential of a real prescriber is concerned. We have been talking about, in our sales meets and even in the field also to our colleagues, to be always in search of such doctors who have the real potential and if these doctors started writing our brand, they could change the scenario of the whole HQ single-handedly. I have seen this in Amritsar-where I had a friend who was mainly dealing in the Psychiatric range of products and his target used to be 3.00 crores for a one-man HQ there at that time. He used to openly say that it was due to two-three doctors, whom he had identified and concentrated maximum on them. When I saw those prescriptions coming from the leading Neuro-specialist of Amritsar and the nearby chemist having the full range of his products-I realized the potential of that single doctor-which was in lacs per month only for him. I consider these high-potential doctors also in the Unique category. Although by the word –“Unique”- we normally mean the unusual things which a particular doctor did in his day-to-day practice. I wish such potential doctors are identified by all the sales professionals and started getting tremendous support from them. For that, the Sales Professional needed that caliber to see through the doctor’s potential and then also the real technique to get him hooked to his range of products.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

An ideal Physician Specialist whose Rx-potential can make a huge difference to companies.

 Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Boxing in process. Fists to be strong enough for the same.

Coming on to the unique characters-firstly I am reminded of one Ayurvedic doctor in Khanna in 1988-who had just come after his graduation and had opened a clinic on “Amloh Road”-Khanna. He had started very well and attracted a good number of patients also. Whenever I used to meet him, he always gave a very big order of our Sex product which was being used for the vasodilatory impact in the penile erection-called “HIMCOLIN Cream”. He used to give me the order of two cases of the same item-whereas the total sale of that item in the whole of Ludhiana at that time was just around 12-14 cases per month. Once I asked him as to where he was using such a good quantity and every time he was giving the order for two cases of the same. He told me that he was giving it to the military people who had a camp near his clinic and there, these guys used to practice  -Boxing. These people were using it on their hands and making the vasodilatation even more pronounced in that area. With this cream, their fists were becoming very hard and strong and they could do better in their boxing with it. I was really surprised and thought that we were only promoting the same as the Sex -range product. The doctor said that his “fundas” were very clear and he had given this as the vasodilator and he was getting a very good response.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Such treatments are being done by Pahalwans also.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Malishwala and Pahalwan shop in Delhi.

 Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Outside of the shop being used for bandaging and other processes.

 Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Even Pahalwans can do it better in India as per certain people.

My main topic of the unique practitioners today, was of the Local -“MALISHWALE” as they are called. Look at their amount of practice-it is enormous? I sometimes felt that the orthopedic specialist in the same areas is not doing even 20% of practice as one Malishwala is doing in that territory. We had a local analgesic gel-which I was giving to some of these Malishwalas looking to their potential. I later realized that they had a very good reputation as the “Haddi -Jodnewale”-meaning they used to correct the fractured conditions and even straighten the bones which were dislocated due to accidents, etc. Qualification-wise, they might not be that qualified. In certain cases, not even matriculates but since their forefathers were in this business and they had a very good going so they were equally taken as the PAHALWAN’s as these people normally are called. We as the literate people might take this as the wrong thing to go to the “Malishwala” but there are thousands of people who first go to them and if not treated well by them, then only they go to the specialists. My wife had a fall last year while walking on the road due to some wire getting stuck in the legs and she got a terrible pain in her left arm and also swelling. She went to the physiotherapist of our area and did a bit of exercise but could not get the relief. She while being in Ludhiana contacted one such “Malishwala” without my knowledge and he did his technique of relocating the joint in the arm and she had terrible pain at that time too. She was given a bandage and some medicines and oil for the local massage. Once she came back to Delhi-her pain increased and she did not get any relief. Finally, I had to take her to the Ortho specialist-where after so many days fracture was detected and the plaster was to be put on her arm for almost two months. Even after that, she had to go in for continued physiotherapy for getting her free movement back. At least we people had a very bad experience and would not advise for the same “Malishwale” at any time whatsoever.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

A Shop with full ortho material runs my Pahalwan in Delhi.

Look at Delhi itself there are more than fifty Malishwaleduly registered and have given their advertisements in Justdial and other main hoardings etc. and are doing very well. They are given the ratings also just as the ratings for the films are given. Some of them are on the rating scale at 4.5 also. The following are some of them as I have found them on the net and otherwise in the print section also.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.


The top five “Haddi Jode-Malishwale” as per their rating are-1.ALVI – HALWAN SHOP.2. HIMALAYA– 3.ARIF–.4.YUNUS—5. KHAN SAHIB MALISHWALE and the number goes on.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Oil Massaging and the Haddi Jode process are extensively prevalent.

Now there are quite a few pharmaceutical Houses that are meeting such “Malishwales” and selling them their ortho-related products in huge quantities and thus are their regular potential customers. They might not be meeting the Ortho-Specialists of the area but they must be meeting such Pahalwans regularly. They are right since these are the centers where they would be getting direct business and that is exactly what they need.

The second very unique set of people is there-who call themselves to be the experts in curing Infective Hepatitis or PELIA as they commonly call. There are very famous spots in Delhi where these so-called experts are thriving on this business and making a fast buck out of it. Although some centers do not ask for money at all and give their treatment for the PELIA. Commonly this disease is known to cause yellow color all over the body of the patient and weakens him drastically. The medical profession also calls it a self-limiting problem and gets away normal, after some time itself. But the patients might be inflicted due to this for months together and in the process develop many other complications too. I knew about them since we had a very hot selling brand for the same and as on date also the top-selling brand for the same problem.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Many ways of treatment other than Medical Allopathic one prevalent in India.

I remember having met such a so-called doctor who used to claim himself to be a non-doctor and was serving in the DTC office. In the morning hours, he used to meet such patients in the Temple and give them- some threads and even wore one yellow thread with wooden small sticks around the neck of the patient and finally gave some medicine just as the prophylactictype. He never used to take the money but used to say that since his forefathers were doing the same so was he continuing the same for the benefit of humanity. Here again, I came to know later that such people had contracts with some of the pharmaceutical companies and used to recommend their products mainly the tonics, etc to such patients and get a very good incentive from these houses. The uniqueness of it was that we have the bigger Medical Specialists in this line and still we have more than usual patients thronging to such centers rather than going for the advanced Medical therapies available as of date.

Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

Good -Anti Superstition Laws have been passed in India.

 Ravi Speaks:-Some Unique Doctors I Have Seen In My Professional Journey-PART-II.

This Faith Healing practice is prevalent still.

Such things would be there in India even in the coming times-since the blind faith which has been nurturing the human race for anything,(for that matter) cannot be either diminished for the heck of it or till the time people realize that the advance medical sciences have gone far too ahead and following such things might cause the damage more than the advantage. This is applicable not only for the illiterate people but more for the literate class-where the conviction rate has been influenced more and dominated significantly by the time old blind faiths still. Although some changes have started happening it is still too early to reach any substantial conclusion.


