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Top 10 Strategies to Combat Childhood Obesity: Expert Guidance for Healthier Kids

Childhood Obesity

Article republished on 20.03.2024.

Today it is all about Childhood Obesity with an attempt to make it very brief. Although a lot has been written about the same – here I have tried to curtail this whole article into ten main steps and that way trying to give a focused action plan to be followed. Read it -very interesting.

Ten Steps To Reduce Childhood Obesity.

For parents, the biggest challenge today is to maintain their children’s good health and not allow them to go into the overweight and puffed-up phase. Childhood obesity has reached very high levels of concern in both developed and developing countries.

Definition of Obesity: – There is a very simple definition, and that is excess of fat accumulated overall in the body. With children, it is also known as Infant-Obesity. That way, a child is overweight for its age or height if it has excess fat in its body. Child obesity can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. There may be no symptoms other than the weight exceeding the normal level. Improving the diet and exercise habits of the whole family is one of the best ways to make children reach a healthy weight.

 The following study simply explains ‘when a child is overweight as per various country standards’:-

“A study carried out by Williams et al. (1992), involving 3,320 children-in the 5-18 age group classifies children as obese if they had the muscle to fat ratio of at least 25% to 30%.“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” define overweight as equal to or higher than the 95th percentile of the ‘Body mass index (BMI) age and “at risk of being overweight”-if the age is between 85% and 95% of BMI. Europe-Researchers classify overweight as 85% or more. The obesity rate is equal to or higher than 95% of BMI”.

Weight mostly is brought about by eating excessively and moving pretty much nothing. In the event, if a child takes high measures of energy, especially fat and sugars, yet doesn’t exercise proper practice and active work, a large part of the energy/calories will be put away by the body as fat.

The most ideal approach to treat the puffed-up state of a child- is to eat a solid, lower-calorie diet and exercise routinely. To do this, you ought to eat a reasonable, calorie-controlled diet as a routine strictly as per the suggestions of your GP or a Dietitian consulted.

Obesity is usually caused by overeating and insufficient exercise. If you consume a lot of energy, especially fat and sugar, but do not burn off energy through exercise and physical exercise, the excess energy will be stored by the body as fat. To a large extent, weight is caused by overeating and hardly moving anything. If you consume a lot of energy, especially fat and sugar, but do not consume exercise and active work, most of the overflow energy will be absorbed by the body as fat. The best way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy, low-calorie diet and exercise regularly. You should: Follow the advice of a GP or weight loss management health professional (such as a dietitian), eat a balanced, calorie-controlled diet, and join a local weight loss team. The ideal way to treat obesity is to eat fewer solids, reduce calories, and exercise regularly.

Following are the ten measures to be strictly taken while taking care of your children with puffed up stature:-

1.Eat a lot of miscible fiber. :- Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, legumes, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables. It is also found in psyllium, a common fiber supplement.

2. Keep away from food varieties that contain trans-fats.:But the FDA said that some of these foods may still contain trans fats: biscuits, biscuits, cakes, frozen pies, and other baked goods. Snacks (such as microwave popcorn) frozen pizza. Fast food. Vegetable shortening and some margarine.

3. Try not to drink a lot of liquor:-Especially in Adolescent section-Although completely abstaining from alcohol from the diet is not necessarily the only way to lose weight, as long as you reduce alcohol consumption, you can make a lot of progress on your health journey. You can enjoy a healthier body, improve sleep, better digestion, and reduce excess “empty” calories.

4.Eat a heavy proteinaceous diet:– Black beans. Black beans are often an inexpensive source of protein. Lima beans. Some Lima beans offer about 21 grams (g) of protein per 100 g serving. Corn. Yellow corn has about 15.6 g of protein per cup.

5. Try to minimize your anxiety levels:-. Anxiety levels help increase the catecholamine levels, which are the causative factors for the weight increase as well. Thus the neurohumor like acetylcholine and Catecholamines are to be reduced and low anxiety levels can easily lower their levels as well and hence keep the child perfect within the permissible weight ranges as per their age. 

6. Avoid sugary foods to the maximum.:-Excessive amounts of sweet foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems, and increased risk of heart disease, as well as other dangerous conditions

7. With a teenaged child, try to allow him to do aerobic exercises.:- Stringent aerobics help the child burn more calories and also help build a strong muscular stature. Thus, more aerobics help them maintain a perfect body with a big reduction of their unnecessary fats and calories.

8.Cut back on carbs — particularly refined carbs:- Carbohydrates are sugars, starches, and fiber found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and dairy products. The American Diabetes Association pointed out that carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. They are called carbohydrates because they contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen on a chemical level.

9.Try to take more coconut oils in place of saturated fatty oils. :-

Compared with most other dietary fats, these fats have a different effect on the human body. The fatty acids in coconut oil can promote your body to burn fat and provide fast energy for your body and brain. They can also increase HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.

10. Try to perform the heavy lift loads for the adolescent aged.:- Strength training can help kids and teens build strong muscles (or resistance) and a high number of repetitions rather than lifting a heavy load once or twice. There is a certain reduction of weight or burning of calories, resulting in keeping the body within the permissible shape.

