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Ravi Speaks-The incredible progress of Israel.

The Israel Capital.

Ravi Speaks:


The incredible progress of Israel.

Israel, known as the “start-up nation,” is well recognised as a hub for technology. If you examine the domestic innovations made in the nation, you would agree that they are influencing the global scene very well.

Israel reigns supreme in the fields of innovation and technology. The nation is second only to the US in terms of venture capital funds and has the highest number of high-tech start-ups per capita in the entire world. This is a remarkable accomplishment for any state, but even more so for one that is just 70 years old and has less than 9 million residents.

Despite having a brief history, the “start-up nation2” is credited with the creation of hundreds of technological innovations, ranging from standard products like USB drives to innovative medical technology that may provide quick diagnoses.

Following are some of the prominent innovations which have influenced the entire world as far as the technical advancement and digital revolution is concerned:

Sniff phone–the device that can smell disease

ReWalk–a battery-packed ‘exoskeleton’
PillCam–a swallowable medical camera
The Flexible Stent–preventative medical tech
Firewall–the original protection against malware
ICQ–the first global instant messenger
Disk on Key–the world’s first USB drive

With changing the seawater to ‘drinking water-technology’-it is always Israel that comes to mind first. For Facial recognition for the locking system to be employed by Mobiles -it is originally the Israeli invention-which we see even in the iPhones nowadays. The freezing technology of wiping breast cancer out within fifteen minutes is yet again the advancement of Israeli technology in the Medical Sciences. The traffic safety systems minimizing the accidents on the high rushing National Highways and also the advancement in the defense systems- is again the contribution of this small country Israel. 

In the following video, the detailed depiction of the progress of Israel and its major contribution that way to the entire world and the humanity itself talks volumes of the immense progress this small country has already made.

How Israel influenced the world.

Whenever it rains heavily here, it makes the temperature dip further in winters. Immediately, we find the water-logging and the blockages happening with just one or two long showers. Look at Israel-where instead of such problems, their advancement on all the fronts has made them far too progressive.

Looking to its small area, which is just equivalent to our Delhi and the population yet not crossing a crore{97 lacs}-one realises the incredible genius of these people where despite being less, their advancement in all the fields makes them an incredible nation.

Some time back in the earlier regime even the opposition leader when asked by the BBC correspondent about their Prime Ministers adamant approach in continuing the fight against the belt and Hamas-it was amazing to note that he started favoring his own Prime Minister and told the media man that they would appreciate the steps taken by the PM and would all extend their full support but they would allow nobody from outside even to raise a finger against their country.

Find below the video of the ex-PM of Canada talking openly and with pride about his observations on the incredible progress of Israel:-

Ex-PM of Canada Speaking About Israel.

I am putting here two videos that are viral, showing Israel’s meteoric progress and their military might as well. There is another one which shows that all the fighter planes which tried to enter the Israel boundaries from Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi, Yemen and Egypt, and other surrounding countries along with their enemies in Gaza were so accurately vanished and wiped off from the sky itself that the video keeps everyone spellbound. Such was the precision that not even one of those fighters could do any harm to Israel. If we see the history, Israel has been constantly attacked by the so-called Arabian countries from time to time. If we say it to be a war between One small country emerging as a giant and the whole group of Arabian countries-it would not be a big claim.

During Night -laser precision attacks of Israel’s air defense.

A lot of Israel’s populace comprises evacuees from the Arab world, a considerable lot of whom escaped or were driven from their tribal homes by Arabs maddened and embarrassed by Israeli triumphs in 1949, 1957, and 1967. Others come from parts of Russia that were never essential for the West. Israel’s incorporation into the non-western world was postponed by Arab antagonism. Arab power is debilitating: of the world’s major social and financial areas, just sub-Saharan Africa has had less monetary and political improvement since World War Two than the Arab world.

When you look at the progress front of Israel-one thing is very clear that we as Indians need to learn from them and emulate their innovative ways here in our country. We have been, unfortunately, living in a cobwebbed-corruptible society-where even a political leader tries his utmost to amass wealth through unfair means. Nobody is interested in foreseeing where our country is heading and, as the luck would have it, we have been facing natural calamities like pandemics and even Cyclones which are further retarding our country’s little of progress if that progress was visible.

25 years after building up formal discretionary ties, the India-Israel organization is getting out of the shadows. To some extent, theirs’ is a relationship based on protection or Defense as India makes a frantic race to modernize its military and redesign its arms stockpile, Israel has turned into its third-biggest arms provider, with $599 million worth of weapons sold the year before. Assuming a $2 billion arms bargain as any sign, that figure will just ascent in years to come, as Delhi goes to Israeli mastery on rocket guard and digital innovation to support its own abilities, especially along the Pakistani boundary.

Thanks to the present Government’s initiatives in strengthening the friendly ties with Israel. It gives a very good signal and the feeling to an Indian that we are on the track of prosperity and are strengthening our ties with the developed countries to make our position even more important and dependable.
