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Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:
Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.
Here I am reproducing the article which was written exactly two years and three months back when COVID 19 had stuck our country for the first time and we all were not knowing anything about it. You would find the highlight of earlier pandemics in the universe around a century back and the various precautions people would take at that time even. Initially when there was the message of handwashing for 20 seconds and masks to be worn as a must-we were only the people who would just laugh it off. The idea of reproducing this write-up is simply to see the huge difference in our thinking at that time and now. In a nutshell what lessons this COVID 19 taught us over these couple of years.

The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions.

The most important impact of the “Covid-19” has been the series of precautions that people have started taking. My son, yesterday told me that I was not taking the precautions that seriously, which according to my age of 59 years I should have been strictly-following. When I asked him as to how he could reach such an observation-he said, he had observed that although I wash my hands with the proper soap but I do not spend at least 20 seconds doing the same process and finish the same very fast. I had to admit to him that I would take care in the future especially of the time without going into any further arguments. Based on such clear-cut extra precautions to be taken, people have come out with various hilarious jokes and one really cannot help but laugh. The following video which has become very popular is worth seeing as what would be the condition of a person when he enters a restaurant or a Coffee shop. I have named it the “Extra-Precautions”:-

Even around a century back when such a horrifying scene had erupted during the onset of Influenza and people had become very scared at that very point in time as well. Face masks and other untouchable means were being enforced at that time also. During those times, people traveling in the buses were very conscious of keeping a distance lest they would touch someone and that would have been the signal for the virus entering their bodies. The following series of photos of that period speaks itself as to what extent the horror at that time had also spread amongst the people of that old time: –
Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

My purpose here is not to make any satire but the circumstances prevailing at that time were more or less the same as of the present and due to these situations arising out of the pandemic- one has got to follow these precautions and it has become conditional and mandatory for each one of us. Let us take these seriously and even enjoy these situations if jokes are cracked. Jokes would really keep the humor unaffected due to this invisible enemy and would help each one of us to remain in high spirits.
Even the companies at that time did not leave the chance of advertising their brands out of such a scenario. The interesting example of Bell-phones-services is being shown here how they encashed beautifully from the then serious situation and quarantine-phases which people at that time faced: –

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

This pandemic worldwide has put such an impact on the Lifestyle that certain things which nobody could have ever thought, have started happening. Importantly the bigger gatherings and functions where the number of people were the evaluating gauge for the calibre or the level of the event-now the opposite of that altogether has started happening. Even in the sorrowful moments’ people, much as they would like to attend is not allowed to do so. Imagine what would be the scenario after a few months itself-when there is even a slight improvement from this pandemic-would these bigger events return back or the picture would be a changed one? Only time will tell us.
Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

Ravi Speaks:-The invisible-enemy & extra-precautions”.

All these Lifestyle changes which are being observed are affecting the Psyche of a man also. Will he be too obsessed and at the same time very cautious of taking any such step? According to my “Obsession” means- an unhealthy emotion that becomes more and more suffocating over time Is it going to put a check on the further growth in all aspects? Is this in any way going to affect our economic growth? Are we in all aspects going to gain out of such a happening and if so after how much time? The yearnings of each one of us have also been affected adversely-Just think of the atmosphere in which our younger generation is nurturing their various faculties. Is it going to be good for them? Many such questions come to one’s mind and the answer is to keep yourself positive & cool, wait & watch and not lose heart after such unavoidable happenings. Importantly keep your endeavor moving and braving such odds continuously and uninterruptedly.

