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Ravi speaks:-“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.

 Ravi Speaks:

Ravi speaks:-“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.

Already a lot of debate and critical analysis is done on this movie. Need to highlight that sometimes the Audio-Visual Media does the talking. My analysis is simply on proving that “Pen is always mightier than the sword.”No Kashmiri-Pandit retaliated with guns but they were simply forced to migrate en masse from their motherland/birthplace. Here came the occasion after thirty-two years when the reality is being discussed and debated. This opportunity to expose the truth of genocide of our community was provided by the brutally honest depiction of the happenings after thirty-two years in this movie titled-“The Kashmir Files”. The following very brief article was originally published in “NEWS BREAK-USA” yesterday and it is being shared here as well.

“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.

Ravi speaks:-“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.


Kashmiri Pandits did not pick up the guns to protect themselves against the genocide but mass migrated from the valley (Their Motherland). It seemed that their agonies and torture would not be known to the people and would be carpeted very silently by the then authorities. But the pen was still mightier than the sword. Call it jingoistic if you may, but doesn’t the freedom of speech resides in the fact that all narratives must be heard? After thirty-two years of Exodus-an opportunity for the world to see the actual happenings and look it came in the form of such a brutally honest movie- “The Kashmir Files”.

Ravi speaks:-“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.
Picture of the ‘Movie-The Kashmir Files’youtube. com
I am a Kashmiri-Pandit myself: –
I feel very relieved to a greater extent than after such a long time there has been a real opportunity for all the people in the world to know as to what atrocities and agonies our community had to undergo for being a minority community in Kashmir valley. Yes, it has happened after thirty-two years of exile or exodus-but they say-“It Is Never Too Late” This opportunity has been provided by this movie called “The Kashmir Files”-which depicts every scene backed up by the authentic research done for proving it to be simply true.
Brief about “The Kashmir Files”: –
Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri’s “The Kashmir Files” has hit the double century mark at the worldwide box office, becoming the first Indian film of 2022 to achieve the feet.
Based on the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits, TKF has achieved the box office milestone in just 10 days, which is an extraordinary feat for a low-budget film. The film had scored 97.30 crores net in the first week while the second-weekend collection lent on 70.15 crores (3rd biggest of all-time).
The film was declared tax-free in some of the Indian states which helped the makers to earn more profit. Thanks to government support, the net collection of TKF reached 167.45 crores in just 10 days (194 cr. gross). Overseas, the film has so far grossed approx. 20 crores, pushing the global total to 214 crores.
As of 20 March 2022, the film grossed ₹199.35 crores in India and ₹27.94 crores overseas, for a worldwide gross collection of ₹227.29 crores.
Power of Audio-Visual Media: –
This movie very clearly depicts the enormous power of Audio-visual media. In the initial days of its release, it had just started picking up the audiences but till ten days only the above-mentioned figure has already been touched. This indicates the record-breaking figure and very clearly it might cross the three to four hundred crores easily which would be the depiction of tremendous emotional backing this movie has been able to arouse amongst the audiences.
It would be befitting to know as to why there was a mass-migration of Kashmiri-Pandits thirty-two years back in 1990: –
Ravi speaks:-“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.
Picture of US-Kashmiri Community on Exodus Day.indupost.net
Ravi speaks:-“The Kashmir Files” is-a hard-hitting movie that has evoked hot debates and mass response.
The Day Mass Migration Took Place-Exodus DayHindupost.net
Kashmiri-pandits’ mass exodus in 1990: –
The Exodus of Hindus from Kashmir, also known as the Exodus of Pandits from Kashmir, refers to the series of anti-Hindu pogroms and attacks that took place shortly after the start of the Muslim-dominated insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir in 1989. Which eventually forced Kashmiri Hindu Pandits out of the Kashmir Valley. The highest phase of the exodus was in the early 1990s, when Hindus from Kashmir, because of being targeted by the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front and other pro-Pakistan Islamist insurgents, fled the Kashmir Valley to seek refuge elsewhere. place of India. In 2016, only 2,000–3,000 Kashmiri Hindus remained in the Kashmir Valley compared to approximately 300,000–600,000 in 1990. Consequently, January 19, 1990, is widely known to Kashmiri Hindus as the “Day of Exodus”. In memory of the Hindus of Kashmir who were assassinated or expelled from Kashmir. According to the Indian government, more than 62,000 families in India are registered as refugees from Kashmir, including some Sikhs and Muslims. Most of the exiled Kashmiri families were resettled in Jammu or the national capital region surrounding Delhi, as well as other neighboring Indian states.
Abrogation of article-370: –
Although the abrogation of article 370 has been a very big masterstroke from the Prime Minister of India, still the rapid changes that one would expect to happen thereafter, are yet to be observed. The Central government has been repeatedly requesting the migrated Kashmiri Hindus to come back to the valley and rehabilitate themselves under the full protection to be provided by the central government. But still, the confidence in the community has not come fully and the move by the government may fall flat yet again. Although the central government gave the young Kashmiri pandit-youth the jobs in the valley, however, the killings again took place and three people were killed in the broad daylight just with the simple purpose of inducing yet again the terror amongst the Kashmiri Pandits and the result is very clear that the youth given the jobs in the valley are not joining again because of the uncertainty created by those killings.
Let the authorities think of something else to give real compensation to the community for the terrific time seen and atrocities faced by our community during pre-1989 and even post 1990-exodus.
Exposing certain segments of people and state-Central Authorities:
This movie is surely going to have a very positive impact on minority people specifically and broadly on all the community people. After thirty-two years the facts which seemed to have been carpeted by the then state and central governments have been exposed and reality is now being known to all. Emotions flare up after seeing the factual depiction in the movie and even the Muslims of that time in the valley would realize the extent of atrocities done by them and if realization comes-peace & harmony would be the result.
Kashmiri-Pandit Youth have braved it all and are mostly well-settled career-wise: –
In the end, let me tell all my friends that those who had migrated during that exodus time as a few months old children are in the prime of their youth this time. Many adverse situations and tough times faced by them have made them strong and well placed in their respective careers as well. It is unlikely a possibility for the Kashmiri Pandits to return to that valley unless and until the government at the center-which has backed up this movie positively acknowledging the truth shown-does not assure them 100% safety and security once they land back. The parents of these children have only to keep themselves focused on ensuring their progeny the right path in pursuit of achieving excellence in their careers. Because each Kashmiri Pandit who left his property and wealth in his motherland came out empty-handed and their NAV{Nett Asset Value} is their cultural values imparted and education which is given to their progeny. I feel proud to say that at present the same progeny is more or less well settled outside the turmoil-ridden valley.
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