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Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

 Ravi Speaks:

Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

This Day In The History-’13th October’.

Of course, every day has its own importance and every moment has its own value. The time that way is the master and we are just the puppets trying to play our own games in this world utilizing this vital factor time in the best possible way as per our own miniature outlook.

If you look back in history on any given day you would realize that so many good and not so good things have happened on the same day back in history. It becomes a huge task if someone has to go deep into the past and try to enumerate the happenings as per their merit or importance in the universal history books.

Let us just check out with the possible information as to what special on this day-13th October had happened in the history?

13thOctober is celebrated as the “International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction”.

The US is the Pioneer Patent for the early warning system for Natural and Manmade disaster systems.

Problems solved by this patent
Almost every community experience some of the many forms of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, lightning storms, or tsunamis. In modern times communities are also increasingly faced with manmade disasters from chemical, biological, or nuclear accidents. These emergency situations may affect all or a portion of the persons and property in these communities. For most citizens advanced early warnings of these natural and manmade catastrophic threats are either non-existent or are received by very small percentages of the population when disasters threaten.

If we start searching Google and Wikipedia-there would be a lot of happenings highlighted only for the date-13th’October. However, only a few have been picked up here and highlighted just to enumerate them with the sole purpose to depict how much the history books get loaded with the events which have been the influencing factor for the change in the times following those events.

1775-First US Navy forms when Continental Congress orders the construction of a naval fleet

1792 Cornerstone laid for the Executive Mansion (White House) in Washington

1812 Battle of Queenstown Heights: British forces defeat United States forces attempting to invade Canada

1860 1st aerial photo taken in the US (from a balloon) of Boston

1884 Greenwich in London established as the universal time meridian of longitude

1896 First public screening of a motion picture in New Zealand

1923 Angora (Ankara) becomes Turkey’s capital

1941 Nazis kill 11,000 Jewish children and old people

1943 Italy declares war on former Axis partner Germany

1966 173 US aircraft bomb North Vietnam

1970 USSR performs nuclear test at Sary Shagan USSR

1983 Ameritech Mobile Communications (now Cingular) launched the first US1988 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

2013 109 people are killed in a stampede on a bridge in Datia district, Madhya Pradesh, India

1943: Italy declared war on Germany, its one-time ally, and was granted the status of a co-belligerent by the United Nations.

1629 Dutch West Indies Co grants religious freedom in West Indies ·

On Oct. 13, 1775, the United States Navy had its origins as the Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet. On this date: In 1792, the cornerstone of the executive mansion, later known as the White House, was laid by President George Washington during a ceremony in the District of Columbia. OCT 13, 2019

Following are some of the known people who had taken birth on the 13th Of October:-


Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

Margaret Thatcher-13.10.1925.


Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

Nusrat Fateh Ali-13.10.1948.


Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

Ashok Kumar-13.10.1911.


Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.



Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.



Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

Malaika Arora-13.10.1973


Ravi Speaks:-This Day In The History-13th October.

Sunil Bharti Mittal-13.10.1957

Today it was just an attempt made to see as to how much each day leaves behind the memories in the form of events that happened and one is forced to think and evaluate the changing influence of such memorable events on the further scenario of the universe.





