The sunflower is the Ayurvedic system’s natural source.
Ravi Speaks:
The following article was written in the times of COVID. Here the same is being reproduced again for your reading.
Why the lukewarm acceptance of Ayurveda in ‘COVID’ despite so many claims?
It is very unfortunate for all of us that still a very low weight age is given to the Indian Medicine-System after even the so-called studies by them purely on the modern parameters in very minimum time-space for Covid. The reason is majorly no acceptance of any achievement, just like that by the modern-day Allopathic doctors. Their basic education in terms of Modern-day degrees like MD, DM, and so on are acting as the major block for the mega acceptance at a larger scale. Still, the average person anywhere in the country or anywhere in the universe would give the maximum weight age to the Allopathic research and allopathic ways of conducting the research.
[bctt tweet="We are still not been able to influence at a larger scale ."]
We are still not been able to influence at a larger scale the-public, especially in making them realize the authenticity and the quality with efficacy on the Ayurvedic side. Still, somehow the feeling for the Ayurvedic research and medicines comes as a second to Allopathy and not equivalent to Allopathy.
There has been so much controversy over the ‘Coronil’ preparation from M/S Patanjali. Whether those guys have got the product in a hurry or not, Whether they have not got the acclaim propagated at the international levels and have spread the news initially at the all India Level only that should not be the criteria for denouncing that medicine all together by the so-called representatives of Allopathy. Some say by the Patanjali people the trials were followed up as per the required protocols and followed up as per the much-needed procedures by them. Still why there is no such acclaim as that with the vaccines from the USA and UK mainly? These are the points to be pondered upon.
Recently in an interview with TOI, the chair of the Central Council of Indian Medicine(CCIM) Vaid Jayant Deopujari clearly said that the basic education of Modern medicines has been the basic reason for the nonacceptance of any other research other than allopathy. People have blind faith in these doctors and they believe them easily. Good things should come from all directions-especially when the disease still is new and its treatment yet not established.
According to him, all the protocols were followed up with coronil but the only fault committed by them was that they chose the public domain as their initial launch which created a real mess, and hence such a lukewarm response was noticed. They should have published the data scientifically where they showed haste in getting acclaim through the public introduction.
Things no doubt have changed nowadays to some extent but the impact of those changes upon the present-setups is still not seen there in the open. For example, I have been saying that this time we have the pro-Ayurvedic Government in the center. We have a separate ministry for the Indian system of medicine and its associated activities-Why shouldn’t we be more aggressive on the front of research and its scientific approach in data spread and acclaim propagations? The ongoing AYUSH-CSIR COLLABORATIVE STUDIES (a joint initiative among the Ministry of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and Ministry of Science & Technology, with technical help from ICMR) includes four clinical studies on the use of AYUSH medicines for COVID-19, both in a prophylactic role and as an add-on intervention to conventional treatment. The Ministry has also started 68 studies at 112 locations undertaken through National institutes, Research Councils, Universities, State Governments, and other collaborating hospitals (which include AYUSH-CSIR studies also).
One satisfying news-may be slightly late but still not too late-In case of Covid- Telangana Government has allowed the trials on the Indigenous medicines to be tried on 1.50 crores of people and this would give a very forceful and satisfying push to the further propagation of the Indian system of medicines especially in the treatments of such diseases where still no one can claim their absolute or 100% cure.

I am reminded of the tough times in May and June-where people were spending thousands of rupees on medicine like ‘Remdisiver’ and people were mad at getting this somehow. Look today, the same medicine that was considered as life-saving in Covid in those months has been obliterated from the recognized list of proper cure medicines for Covid.
Following are the present number of clinical trials going on as per the AYUSH Portal-which is giving all the possible latest updates regarding Covid to the people.

Finally, one very interesting observation from my side is the slackness with which our AYUSH has been handling the show as compared to allopathic people. There has been none such news being spread as far as the data they have and the observations of the Vedacharyas-in the media-so that we the Indians felt some sort of pride in knowing about that.
We have in our minds decided and accepted our placement as the second degree or second grade to Allopathy. That is why we don’t go openly in the Global arena to claim our successful results as the safe treatment for the ailments like Covid. There can either be a reason for our trials not being fully effective or we, as the research fellows, don’t have the confidence in our extensive work done in that direction. If nothing like that was there why we were not being openly acclaimed for our effective treatments from the Covid just as we get to know so many allopathic vaccines and preparations being highlighted for the comprehensive and prophylactic treatments for Covid.
In my recently published book-I have clearly written that certain trendsetters in allopathic practice did not write the Ayurvedic products at all. I have met such eminent physicians from Allopathy also who have been ardent fans of some of the leading Ayurvedic products as well. Those who did not write even a single brand of indigenous medicines and were holding very high degrees of qualifications-were not writing for not knowing the other science or more prominently out of their ego-what I have given the name-“Intellectual Block”. They are intellectually so much qualified that they did not think or acknowledge other prevalent systems of medicines to be existent even.
If we wanted to make our Indian System to be equally accepted and used as that of allopathy-it is the role of the Government initially to give an exclusive boost to our systems/pathies and for that even if certain legislation is to be raised or modified, that should be done at the earliest possible.