Solar eclipse 2023: How and where to see the ‘ring of fire’ – AS USA
On Saturday, October 14, a celestial spectacle will unfold as the moon passes directly between the Earth and the sun, creating an annular “ring of fire” solar eclipse. Unlike total solar eclipses, annular eclipses occur when the moon is slightly farther from Earth, making it appear smaller than the sun and creating a bright halo around it. This event will be visible in parts of the Western United States, Mexico, and Central and South America. It holds particular cultural significance for Indigenous people in the Four Corners region, like the Navajo Nation.
In the United States, this eclipse will be visible from several states, with its path starting in Oregon and ending in Texas before crossing over Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Brazil. For those who can’t witness it in person, NASA will provide a live broadcast. It’s important to note that looking directly at the eclipse can damage your eyes, so safety precautions are advised.
To understand why solar eclipses happen, three conditions must align: a new moon, the moon crossing the plane of Earth’s orbit, and the moon’s distance from Earth. If these conditions are met, an eclipse can occur. If you miss this eclipse, another total solar eclipse will take place in 2024, offering a stunning view of the sun’s ethereal corona as it passes over the Eastern United States on April 8, 2024.
#SolarEclipse #RingOfFire #CelestialEvent #EclipseWatch #Astronomy #Eclipse2023