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The Cycle of Vices and Vicious Echoes

The picture of a carpenter and a cobbler

Ravi Speaks:


Once upon a time in Julaka Mohalla Jammu, a true tale of 1978-79, the destructive cycle of vices and their vicious echoes unfolded. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the destructive nature of habits and the enduring impact they can have across generations. From the resilient cobbler to the fallen carpenter, the lessons learned from their experiences shed light on the importance of self-awareness and breaking free from the clutches of destructive habits.

A Descent into Destruction Subtitle

Once upon a time in a small place named Julaka Mohalla-Jammu, there lived a cobbler and a carpenter. Both men were hardworking and dedicated to providing for their families. However, there was a stark contrast between the two: the cobbler was known for his resilience, while the carpenter known as Kartara,had succumbed to the destructive clutches of alcohol.

Breaking the Cycle in vain

The carpenter Kartara had become an intense drunkard, his health deteriorating as a result. His dependence on liquor was so severe that he couldn’t go a single day without it. One fateful day, he found himself without his precious drink, and his two sons seized the opportunity to keep him away from the toxic substance. However, in a desperate attempt, the carpenter managed to find a way to satisfy his craving and ended up lying in a drain along the small village lane, intoxicated. The following morning, the local people discovered the carpenter still in a state of toxicity. Concerned for his well-being, they realized he had mistakenly consumed methylated spirit instead of alcohol.

The Cobbler’s Tragic Mistake

Meanwhile, the cobbler, too, had indulged in liquor the previous night. Drunk and disoriented, he made a grave mistake. With the tool he used for cutting leather, he deliberately cut off a portion of his own tongue and discarded it in the drain outside his shop.

His wife and young children, witnessing this horrifying act, were overcome with grief and despair. They cried out, their pleas echoing through the village. The compassionate villagers swiftly took action, rushing the cobbler to the city’s hospital for emergency treatment. After a lengthy and delicate microsurgery, the team of skilled doctors successfully reattached the severed portion of his tongue, but not without enduring hours of intense effort.

The Unforeseen Consequences

Days later, I visited the cobbler, who now struggled to speak clearly due to the ordeal he had brought upon himself. Despite his impaired speech, he had come to terms with his blunder. He sincerely apologized to his wife and children, vowing never to repeat such a foolish act again. His wife, with tears in her eyes, urged the people around to remind him of his promise and ensure he would abstain from drinking in the future, for it was the habit of drinking that had led him down this destructive path.

Meanwhile, the carpenter-Kartara had grown increasingly frail and weak, relying on his elder sons to care for him in the local government hospital. Tragically, after a few days, he succumbed to his deteriorating health, leaving his elder son to inherit his carpentry shop and carry on his father’s legacy.

The Irony of Generational Vice

However, as the years passed, a bitter irony unfolded. The elder son, once resentful of his father’s vices, fell into the same trap. He began to drink daily, wreaking havoc on his own household, much like his father had done before him. The cycle of destructive habits had repeated itself, with the son now experiencing the same disdain he once held for his own father.

Lessons in Self-Destruction

The tale serves as a powerful lesson: transforming any habit into a vice is the first step towards self-destruction. It is imperative to nip such habits in the bud. But it also reminds us of another important truth: the propensity for evil to perpetuate itself until it is fully confronted and eradicated. The cycle of vices, relentless and unforgiving, can only be broken through self-awareness, determination, and the will to rise above one’s own weaknesses.

#VicesandVirtues #BreakingTheCycle #LessonsLearned #ConfrontingHabits #GenerationalEchoes #BreakingFreeFromVices #ConfrontingDestructiveHabits #LessonsAcrossGenerations
