Trump Campaign’s Record Fundraiser in Florida: Closing the Gap with Biden

Trump ramps up fundraising to close gap with Biden |

The Trump campaign announced a significant fundraising success of $50.5 million at a Florida event, aimed at closing the financial gap with President Biden and the Democratic Party. This amount surpasses Biden’s recent $26 million fundraiser in New York City. The event, hosted by billionaire John Paulson, set a record for a single fundraising event. Trump’s senior advisors expressed confidence in their message, organization, and financial resources to secure victory in the upcoming election.

The fundraiser attracted notable GOP donors, including Robert Mercer, Rebekah Mercer, Harold Hamm, Robert Bigelow, and Steve Wynn. Ticket prices ranged from $250,000 to $824,600, offering perks such as dinner seating with Trump for top contributors.

Despite this success, Trump still trails behind Biden in fundraising. Biden and the Democrats reported raising over $90 million in March and having $192 million cash on hand. In contrast, Trump’s campaign and the RNC raised $65.6 million in March, ending with $93.1 million in cash.

The fundraiser collected funds for the Trump 47 Committee and a leadership PAC supporting Trump. Biden’s team emphasized grassroots donations and campaign infrastructure in battleground states, contrasting it with what they perceive as Trump’s focus on elite gatherings and personal pursuits at Mar-a-Lago.

 #TrumpCampaign #FundraisingSuccess #Election2024 #GOPDonors #BidenVsTrump
