US Response to Elon Musk’s Endorsement for India’s Permanent UNSC Seat

Elon Musk Advocates For India’s Permanent UNSC Membership, Says ‘India Not Having Permanent Seat Is Absurd’

Elon Musk’s recent endorsement for India’s permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has sparked reactions from the United States. Musk labeled India’s absence from a permanent UNSC seat as ‘absurd’ earlier this year, highlighting the reluctance of powerful nations to relinquish control.

Washington, D.C. – Addressing inquiries regarding Elon Musk’s statement, Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson at the US State Department, underscored US support for reforms within the UN system. “The need for reforms within UN institutions, including the Security Council, to align with the contemporary global landscape is paramount,” stated Patel during a press briefing on Wednesday. He further elaborated, “While specifics on these reforms are pending, it’s evident that there’s a pressing necessity for change. We echo sentiments advocating for a 21st-century reformation of the UN structure.”

In his initial remarks, Musk emphasized the necessity for revisions within UN bodies. “The reluctance of dominant powers to cede authority obstructs necessary reforms. India’s exclusion from the Security Council, despite its substantial population, is nonsensical. I also advocate for collective African representation,” Musk stated in a post.

India’s pursuit of a permanent UNSC seat enjoys growing international support, aligning with its aspirations to advocate for the interests of developing nations on a global stage.

Composed of 15 member states, the UNSC includes five permanent members with veto powers and ten non-permanent members serving two-year terms. India’s ambition for permanent membership reflects broader aspirations within the international community.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in its electoral manifesto ‘Sankalp Patra’, has committed to advancing India’s bid for permanent UNSC membership. “Elevating India’s position in global decision-making through permanent UNSC membership is a key priority,” the manifesto affirms.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has emphasized the growing global consensus supporting India’s permanent UNSC membership. “The world’s recognition of India’s potential at the UNSC is palpable. Sometimes, one must assertively pursue opportunities rather than wait for them,” remarked Jaishankar during a townhall meeting in Nagpur, Maharashtra.

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