When you see a Hollywood Science Fiction Movie
You get terrified to see the advancement of the functioning of the different machinery used during the war or even in the thrilling scenes depicted in such movies. Machines gain human-like intelligence and inevitably turn into evil overlords that attempt to destroy humans. More pronouncedly, achieving sentience by such machines gives a strong feeling to all the spectators as if there was a set of non-humans causing what might be in the long run a real ruin for humanity. A reflection of the profound change that often accompanies new technological developments. Such depictions give an innate fear into our minds of such a technology.
I have seen the topmost champions of chess playing with fully embedded AI supercomputers {Deep-Blue-Computer} and even beating the real human champions in online international sports live happenings.
What do you think about the new Google AI program ‘Magenta’
That can create new songs “by” artists that are no longer with us? A relatively large part of an artist’s new songs is based on combinations of musical elements from old songs, so ‘Magenta’ probably extrapolates new songs from old songs with algorithms, and since music and algorithms are both mathematical, it makes sense.
When the AI is used in such technical finesses, we still would cherish it, and just in the same spree if the AI slowly and steadily makes the humans even more expectant and dependent for the best to be achieved still-I am afraid we might enter the beginning of the end phase for humanity. I may sound very sadistic and fearful but there should be some line of demarcation between nature’s miracle- “A Human Being” and such Miracle’s magical AI power research.
We encounter artificial intelligence (AI) every day.
AI represents a computer system that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. When you do some research on the internet, the best results you see are driven by AI. Recommendations from your favorite shopping or streaming websites are also based on AI algorithms. These algorithms use browsing history to find what you are interested in. Because targeted recommendations aren’t that exciting, science fiction portrays AI rather than the super-intelligent robots that overthrow humanity. Some people believe that this scenario could one day become a reality. Celebrities, including the late Stephen Hawking, have complained about how future AI could threaten humanity.

Artificial intelligence is an effort to develop computers that can operate intelligently. It is a broad term that refers to everything from Siri to IBM’s Watson to powerful technologies; we haven’t invented yet. Some researchers say “narrower” (a computer system that is better than humans in certain obvious areas, such as playing chess, creating images, diagnosing cancer, etc.) and “general. AI “(a system that enhances the human ability of many people) is distinguished. You can cross the area. Understand the challenges that AI poses.
A meeting this week in Geneva was followed intently by experts
In artificial intelligence, military strategy, disarmament, and humanitarian law. Here the adversity, because of the advances in AI especially for the security weapons, deep fake data usage, and above all the major adverse effects of all this, were discussed. No doubt such sort of measures and concerns shown by the experts of the developed world is a welcome move but to what extent such initiatives are going to put a stop to the adverse use of this AI to our race in the long run-only time would prove.
In a terrifying scenario, the rise of deep fakes—fake images, video, audio, and text generated with advanced machine-learning tools—may someday lead national-security decision-makers to take real-world action based on false information, leading to a major crisis, or worse yet, a war.
“We are entering dangerous and uncharted territory with the rise of surveillance and tracking through data, and we have almost no understanding of the potential implications.”
—Andrew John, Georgetown University
“We need to think now of what happens when artificial intelligence is co-resident with us in the world. It lives with us; watches us; helps us, maybe interferes with us occasionally.”
The AI we are using today is very useful for a variety of tasks. It doesn’t mean it’s always positive-it’s a tool that can have negative consequences if used maliciously or incorrectly.
How close do we have to making AI smarter than Humans?
Today’s AI is called “narrow” or “weak” AI. Widely used in many applications, such as facial recognition, self-driving cars, and internet referrals. These systems are defined as “narrow” because they can only learn and perform very specific tasks. They often do these tasks better than humans-Deep Blue was the first AI to defeat the World Chess Champion in 1997-but they are very much what they learned. Applicable only to specific tasks (Deep Blue can only play chess).
Another type of AI is called artificial general intelligence (AGI). It is defined as an AI that mimics human intelligence. This includes features that apply to several issues with intelligence in mind. Some people believe AGI is inevitable and will occur soon in the next few years. Matthew O’Brien, a robotics engineer at the Georgia Institute of Technology, disagrees: How much more progress is needed to reach this point?
How could a future AGI threaten humanity?
Whilst it is not clear when or if AGI will come about, can we predict what threat they might pose to us, humans? AGI learns from experience and data as opposed to being explicitly told what to do. This means that, when faced with a new situation it has not seen before, we may not foresee how it reacts. Dr. Roman Yampolskiy, a computer scientist from Louisville University, also believes that “no version of human control over AI is achievable” as it is not possible for the AI to both be autonomous and controlled by humans. Losing control of a super-intelligent system can be disastrous. Yingxu Wang, a professor of software and brain science at the University of Calgary, said: Or changed “. Intelligent machine itself.” “Like any other engineering system, anything that has potentially dangerous consequences is thoroughly tested and has multiple redundant safety checks,” Dr. O’Brien added.
Many experts have agreed that AI can pose a threat to the Spread of Racial Prejudice.
George Montanez, an AI expert at Dr. Harvey Mudd College, emphasizes: They must be effective tools in the hands of those who want to hurt others that exist today. ” Even without malicious intent, AI today can be a threat. For example, racial prejudice was discovered in algorithms that assign medical care to patients in the United States. Similar biases are seen in facial recognition software used for law enforcement. These biases have wide-ranging negative effects despite the ‘narrow’ ability of AI. AI bi
as comes from the data it is trained on. In the cases of racial bias, the training data was not representative of the general population. Another example happened in 2016 when an AI-based chat box was found sending highly offensive and racist content. This was found to be because people were sending the bot offensive messages, which it learned from.
No nation will stop development they will only hide the development. Neither the West nor East will trust each other. Unfortunately, you cannot ban them and any attempt to do so would be a farce and possibly more dangerous. But we could jointly develop protocols to ensure control cannot be lost, as that is in everyone’s interest.
Could the AI we use today become a threat?
The AI we use today is very useful for a variety of tasks. This does not mean that it is always positive. A tool that can have negative consequences if used maliciously or inappropriately. It is unlikely that AI and its advancement will pose a genuine threat to humanity.As per Elon Musk: “Superintelligence could surpass human capabilities by 2030 and potentially threaten humanity’s existence.” Despite this grim outlook, Musk emphasizes the importance of steering A.I. development in a positive direction to ensure a favorable future outcome. XXXXXXX