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Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

 Ravi Speaks:

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

Although people seem to have gone careless about the necessary precautions to be taken for checking the spread of Covid19-it is re-emerging slowly but consistently especially in the major countries like the whole of Europe and the USA.

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

We here in India still don’t know the fate. People think that it is almost over now. The daily figure of around 10,000 new cases being reported from our country gives us the signals that we must not take it lightly.

Look at the recent matches of world cup T20 played in the Bubble restrictions so that the precautions were enforced upon the players not to have any sort of infection possible from outside by adopting the strict discipline as well. All went on well with possible precautions taken.

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?


But immediately after that, there was the series first T20 match of the Indian team with New Zealand at Jaipur yesterday, where again the careless approach was visible with the huge crowd with no Covid restrictions followed. Only God can save us from the next wave looking to such things happening and people not at all caring for themselves -especially here in India.                                                                  There is every possibility for the fourth as well as the fifth wave to come shortly as is predicted by the experts especially from the European and Northwest Asian sectors.

According to WHO, cases of COVID in Europe have steadily increased over the past five weeks. The record of deaths from COVID 19 in Russia is due to low vaccination rates. At the same time, breakthrough infection rates are rising in Germany, where vaccination rates are high.

In some states, hospitals are already surrounded by an influx of patients. Audie Cornish, an Expert  says “Coronavirus cases are increasing again in the United States.”

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

According to Rostock infectious disease specialist ‘Emile Reisinger, the significant increase in corona infections is also due to an increase in people’s pandemic fatigue. “AHA rules and wearing protective masks are increasingly being observed, despite serious threats,” he said. Although the immune correlates of defenses are not fully understood, there is evidence that antibody development after infection is likely to provide some immunity to subsequent infections for at least 6 months.

Europe is facing a worrisome resurgence of Covid 19 cases, he said. WHO’s Hans Kluge once again warned that the area was “at the epicenter of the pandemic.”

The two main reasons the WHO cited for the increase in the number of cases in Europe were the coverage of inadequate vaccination and the relaxation of public health and social policies.

Germany’s major health officials warned on Wednesday the 17th Nov’21 that the country was plunging into the fourth wave of pandemics.

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

The two main reasons WHO’s Kluge cited for the increase in the number of cases in Europe were inadequate immunization coverage and mitigation of public health and social measures.

There are concerns about the increasing spread of new mutations in highly infectious delta mutants, stagnation of vaccination campaigns, refreshment campaigns, the easier spread of the virus, and the beginning of the winter season when more people meet indoors. bottom.

The British government was very reluctant to reintroduce Covid’s restrictions in the face of an increasing number of cases and had previously told the public that they needed to get used to living with the virus.

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

In Europe last month, new coronavirus cases increased by more than 50%, and the World Health Organization warned that another 500,000 people could die by February.

The FDA has approved three vaccine boosters (PfizerBioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen / Johnson & Johnson) and confirmed that it is safe to take COVID19 vaccine boosters or additional doses of brands different from the starting dose.

In, the United States they have accepted fully vaccinated travelers at airports and borders and lifted COVID 19 restrictions due to the Trump administration. The new rules allow air travel from previously restricted countries as long as travelers present evidence of vaccination and a negative COVID 19 test. For land trips from Mexico and Canada, vaccination proof is required, but no testing is required.

Ravi Speaks:-Would there be a re-emergence of COVID19 again like 2020?

Last week, WHO’s Europe and Central Asia region reported nearly 1.8 million new cases and 24,000 deaths, a 6% increase in infections and a 12% increase in deaths, compared to the previous week, Kruge said.

Despite the re-emergence happening in the USA still the experts say COVID 19 is likely to continue to decline in the United States, it is unlikely that the disease will go away.

They assume that COVID19 may resemble the influenza virus. The influenza virus reoccurs in slightly different ways each year.

They say there are still many unknowns about the new coronavirus causing COVID19, including how often it mutates.

So for the future, nobody can confidently predict its complete eradication from this universe. Yes, it may get weakened and we will have to live with it just as we do so with other influenza or similar viruses.




